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hello mr willy ,
i upload exlue file on [ Wupload + Megaupload ] and post the file in topic contains [ Wupload + Megaupload ] 7 hour ago

and now i look at downloads in both sites >>



it's terrible difference :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
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Today I got my best day on Wupload, I'm a happy uploader ^^

hello mr willy ,
i upload exlue file on [ Wupload + Megaupload ] and post the file in topic contains [ Wupload + Megaupload ] 7 hour ago

and now i look at downloads in both sites >>



it's terrible difference :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
People download more on Megaupload because they have better speeds for free users, thats a normal thing dude...
Yes, Willy provides the most friendly support! My premium download speed now gets better, though at only less than 100kps, broken downloads were rare for me in the past 2 days and I've downloaded some large files that were impossible to download before. Thanks Willy! I know you're working hard everyday. I hope customer experience with Wupload will soon get to the same level of the support you provides.:D
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error: Could not connect to server

like aways.. so Willy how can i make money if i can`t upload? do you plan to fix ftp this year or 2012 ?
I sent my Information to " Switch to Wupload " in 13th Oct and receive a message:
Your application has been sent

Your application is being reviewed. We will get back to you in the next 48 hours.
but for now i haven't received any response from you? Is ST wrong?
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