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im a little bit disappointed here,

you fixed the Internal RU (WU to WU) or rather should i say you enable it again,

but how about us who are uploading thru FTP? we are still facing those issues..
i think you should consider fixing our issue first before enabling the Internal RU again.

please improve FTP and Web Upload


Hi, xiona!

We had not disabled internal RU, it was being affected by the issues which were affecting RU. We are working on all issues which are being faced by affiliates, some of them we're able to fix quicker, some are more stubborn.

It wasn't a preference thing, it was that we were able to fix because it wasn't as stubborn of an issue affecting it.

Sorry for the inconvenience and frustration!

Hi there Willy,
Would you mind telling me how can I find some files in specified folder only not all of my storage ?

Hi, ni_luan!

If you select the folder you wish to search in, the search function will only search in that folder.

If you're in the Root folder, it will search all folders.

@Willy Wupload

well actually i don't care if you allow Internal RU or not as long as I and the others can upload via FTP or WebUpload.

please understand if we get frustrated, hoping to see a better FTP speed tomorrow

Oh, you can trust me on that one, xiona! I understand more than anybody the frustrations that the affiliates are feeling! And don't worry, I don't take it personally - this is a business, we're all looking to make some money and provide goods and services, so I treat it like one!

Even when tempers flare and people have some choice words for me, I don't take it personally - I take it as constructive criticism ;)

Hey, adrunkenmess!

Next time that happens, can you PM me your account ID, the links to the files you were trying to RU, as well as a screenshot?

That would be a great help!

Hey, darkpichu!

We added some new servers to take the the stress off of the remote upload queue (Filesonic remote upload is typically takes up the majority of our queue), so some of these files are going through instantly, but it is not guaranteed with all FSo files.


yeap we noticed some improvement also for wu (apart from FSn)

well done w ;)
willy , when click "Delet all completed/ error file " on remote upload is not working , please check it :)

Hey, camps!

I'm having my techs look into it!



3 hrs gone still Ftp dead Any update?

Hey, champ!

We're making progress, but there is still obviously work to do. As always, I will be keeping everybody in the loop with advances we make! :)

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