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Am i a premium member???

but speed is shoing that i am not :( even sometimes speed is going down to 15kbps :@
can't connect to wupload FTP at this moment.

Status:Resolving address of
Status:Connecting to
Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error:Could not connect to server


Suddenly its solve now.
Maybe they make some network maintenance.
I'm not sure.
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Automatic date set

Hello Willy and everybody!
I've noticed that many users are complaining about stats frozen when it's only a matter of setting the correct date interval in the stats page.
I suggest to add a button that automagically sets the last week in the date fields.
A simple (quick and dirt) JavaScript function is the following (tested and working):

function setLastWeek() {
    var d = new Date();
    document.getElementById( 'toDate' ).value = d.getFullYear();
    document.getElementById( 'toDate' ).value += "-";
    document.getElementById( 'toDate' ).value += d.getMonth() + 1;
    document.getElementById( 'toDate' ).value += "-";
    document.getElementById( 'toDate' ).value += d.getDate();
    d.setDate(d.getDate() - 7);
    document.getElementById( 'fromDate' ).value = d.getFullYear();
    document.getElementById( 'fromDate' ).value += "-";
    document.getElementById( 'fromDate' ).value += d.getMonth() + 1;
    document.getElementById( 'fromDate' ).value += "-";
    document.getElementById( 'fromDate' ).value += d.getDate();

Of course you should add a button next to the "Show" one like this:

<button name="controls[last7days]" id="controls-last7days" onClick="setLastWeek(); return false;">Last 7 days</button>

(if the "return false;" instruction is omitted, the forms auto submits on my Firefox)

Hope this, if found useful, could be added ASAP: it's so easy!

Best regards!

rupi34 Check the posts before yours . There is change in free user download waiting time . That is the reason for decreasing stats with all of us , but I don`t want to discuss this anymore I`ve said enough already , you can check previous posts .
i am getting less downloads now,is it JUST ME?
if this continues this i'll leave it for good,already uploading to wupload on USA server is pain in the a**
If you read back will see we are all in same boat with less downloads. Ive taken a massive dip today but at end of day we have to grin and bear it. Willy has replied numerous times what is happening.
colie off course people will ignore WU.. if you share some game with 10 parts.. who will be this id*ot who will wait 30 minutes between part ? but if you ask Willy, his answer will be ,, summer time,, but summer start before 1 month.. problems after he change the time?(2 days ago).. but he is right.. sky is blue, we are id*ots :) honestly Willy you don`t need to change the time.. you have to change download speed, ftp speed , fix problems with RU and etc..
stats down day by day . because free download waiting time



this change is critical

of course still there is a TEST and not a final decision but this 30min is annoying for free users to wait.

hope wu team will compare DL results (they have total stats) and change this option as soon as possible and reduce it to 15min max
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