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Stats are just fine !

the real Issue is Files are deleted and No NOTIFICATION .

I just saw that my major files which generate me a lot of download and sales, are deleted !

gj wupload , really ...

We don't delete files and provide no notification, pinkside. If your account is free, you know that your files are protected for 30 days after upload, after that, they are subject to removal.

PM me some of the links you say have been deleted, and I can take a look!


no willy, i meant why i cant remote Wupload Links to Wupload
like why i cant transfer them to my account?
i get error 404 when trying to remote wupload on Wupload;)

PM me your account ID and I'll take a look, Fat3.


It shows up fine in my browser... I'm using Chrome.

It seems that the script or coding for the wupload is a bit mess up. Most of the wording are capitalized such as MY_STATISTICS, MY_EARNINGS, and even the file manager is all capitalized. You might have to check on that problem Willy.
It's everybody's favourite day: Payout Day!

Just a few reminders before the FAQ's roll in :D

Wednesday payouts are automatic for earnings gained by the previous Sunday - minimum payout is $10!

Payouts happen in the evening after they've been processed on our end!

If you're a PayPal user and your Wupload account says "PAID" but the money hasn't shown up in your account yet, be patient - there is known to be a lag! It will be there! B-)

Stats are just fine !

the real Issue is Files are deleted and No NOTIFICATION .

I just saw that my major files which generate me a lot of download and sales, are deleted !

gj wupload , really ...

Same with me here. My files which generates me the high traffic to Wupload are deleted now and then. In free plan, it has mentioned that files will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity, but those were not followed in wupload.

Willy, can you explain us the logic behind this? Recently, wupload has the 30 minutes wait time between each download. But, this is going to reduce the traffic drastically, since most of the users doesn't prefer much wait time between each downloads. 5 - 10 minutes wait time will be much decent rather than waiting for 30 minutes.

Willy, please do something to reduce the wait time between each downloads. Thanks in advance.

Apart from the above 2 points, rest everything is fine with Wupload. Good job willy :)
@pink and prin: MAYBE ur files is DMCA files :-s , did u check the notification in your mail box?

Willy, my download speed with jdownloader at my vps just from 300kbs - 700kbs, it's terrible :((
guys can anyone say whether wupload payout processing also same like fsc or sud we we do anything to ??

i new to wu and also some which day will wupload pay? :)
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