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until there are limits placed on the uploading then this will keep happening, there is no fix except limits - the only other way is huge hardware upgrade with servers etc, but this will take time and promo will be over by then.

After the promo it will work fine i would guess, just people are going mad for it this week since its 2x normal payout.

100gig per day limit on RU would certainly help, or even better premium user only gets RU at all. Could remove limits after promo and just upgrade hardware as wupload grows at a more reasonable rate.
willy i have a suggestion:
what do you think of a crc32 check to avoid file duplicates ?
sometimes i upload files that appear failed on the uploader software side cause he can't receive link... but instead they are successfull, and if i upload them again i get a duplicate...

doing this thing would be cool:
i upload A, which is successful, and give link: qwerty
my uploader software doesn't receive: qwerty and thnks upload failed and retry upload

wupload recognize it as duplicate file and instead of giving back a new link, it just resend qwerty

what do you think ?
my remote uploads were also getting error, and i tried direct upload and got 7MB/s from US server.. previously it was less than 1MB/s

awesome :)
ftp upload speed is extremely slow...
and it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting again and again

maybe learn something from filesonic by providing uploaders with and
maybe learn something from filesonic by providing uploaders with and

I guess they are new in this business they need to add more servers to improve Remote upload and Ftp upload and Specially they need to add server in USA Like Fso have this option :)
Bcoz everyone not have RDP or Rl in Nl server :facepalm:
downloads through wupload very slow as well, less than 100kb/s :(
mind you, filesonic's no better either X-(
ftp & web go, ru very slow..:'(
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