Shared - cPanel, 10GB Space, Unlimited Bandwidth from $1.35/month(France)

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His company impostor steals money and does not want retrieval or delivery server

iam paid the server and he delete my account


You did read this part carefully I hope:

They will not return the money back, but will guide you on what legal steps to take in order to try to get the money back.

I would not put a lot of hope into getting your money back. But do file the complaints so the processors are aware of a major issue.
Same here!!!!
WorldWideXS= WorldWorstXS!!!!!!X-(X-(X-(X-(
Attention, Make sure to go for dispute with them, even for 1 cent!
U r big liar! keep asking us to calm down , but do nothing.
no reply, no refund,not even a "sorry", but delete everything without notice!
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