Which image host should I use for adult video previews?

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Active Member

I would like to find a good image host for adult video preview images. I tried a lot but none of them fulfils my humble needs. I have used imagebam.com till now, but unfortunately it doesn't pay.

My needs:
- At least 350x350 thumbnail size or more.
- Nice thumbnail quality.
- Is allowed in many (all) forums.
- It really pays.
- Furthermore has nice features (remote upload, zip upload)
- I usually place two or three thumbnails side-by-side, so they must be the same height, like this:

Imgrill would be ideal, but the thumbnail quality is low and it pays only at most 3$ per 1000 views. On the the top of this it opens about 2-3 popup windows when somebody clicks on a thumbnail.
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I recommend you imgbabes, even imagetwist (they've been around for a long time).
There are many image hosts just go here and read a little.
I have the same question as you 3 months ago, and imagetwist is the best pay image host that many big forum accept, except porn-w. So if you want to make more little money you should chose imagetwist. Now I still use imagebam to post screenshot because all forum is accept it
Unfortunately none of the aformentioned image hosts fulfil my needs, thumbnail size are usually too small (eg at imgchili, or too big imageporter, 350x350 option is missing. Imgnext.com would be good, because it allows to set a custom thumbnail size, but one problem still remains: I am unable to set the size of the longest side (only the shortest side can be set). I usually place two or three images side by side, if their heights aren't equal, the result is terrible.
imgrill.com allows you to set custom size for thumbs.

I've been with them almost since they opened and they've always paid.

imchilli also pays and is good. Their 260x260 should be more than big enough.
If it's too big, then people may actually not need to click to see what it is, so my experience is not to have it too big.
Unfortunately none of the aformentioned image hosts fulfil my needs, thumbnail size are usually too small (eg at imgchili, or too big imageporter, 350x350 option is missing. Imgnext.com would be good, because it allows to set a custom thumbnail size, but one problem still remains: I am unable to set the size of the longest side (only the shortest side can be set). I usually place two or three images side by side, if their heights aren't equal, the result is terrible.

I can code and put in the options you need into my site. PM me for more info :)
Fuq man, with "thumbs" big like that, nobody's gonna click to get the bigger pic because they already see everything.

Also, if you look around, you'll notice that all the hosts offers about the same rate.

I use imgrill and imchilli. On some videos, I put in 2 thumbs on each host, so that I earn from both.

You'll also make more money if you use linkbucks on your links. In fact, I get much more from linkbucks than I get from the image hosts. 10x more.

All host will open several popups like that, because that's how they make money in order to pay you.

I suggest you go back and stick with imagebam. Because with your requirements and needs, no host will really want to work with you because you are basically using up their bandwidth for free on such huge thumbs and nobody will ever click on them.
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Not only the thumbnail size (dimension) matters, but the count of small images in it and the viewers' screen resolution. I am using imgrill right now, and I got a lot of clicks in such an arrangement. If thumbnail size are too small, I think, people won't see anything on a big resolution screen (eg 1600x1200), and downloaders are lazy, they won't click on the thumbs, instead they go to another forum thread.
Well, you are wrong. That's exactly the point of having the thumbs so small that they won't see anything.

Anyone who's interested in the movie will click to check what's in it. If it's already that big and they can see everything, what's the fucking point in getting the big pic?

Also, a very fucking tiny amount of people are using 1600x1200. At best majority are using 1920x1080.
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