What is actually happening with DMCA and Hosts

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Active Member
Most of the warez webmaster include myself we are looking for a host at netherlands, hong kong and others that ignore dmca.

Most of the hosts are resselers of the big companies.

So my question is.. when someone send a dmca notice, where he actually send it ? To the host that resell or to the company that own the server ?

Also after getting the dmca what they do ? I think that they ignore it because there is not law about warez linking for their country.. but let me see your opinions.

Host sends it to the reseller. Reseller sends it to you. That's the way it has been with any reseller account I have had. The main host cannot contact resellers clients, but can suspend sites for not acting on DMCAs.
Seems to be logic what you said but there are many warez sites that i assume that there are people that sent against them many dmca. And they are still active for long time without suspend.

Also some hosts says that they ignore dmca.. what about those ?
Host sends it to the reseller. Reseller sends it to you. That's the way it has been with any reseller account I have had. The main host cannot contact resellers clients, but can suspend sites for not acting on DMCAs.

Sir, I don't think so Sweden/Russian/NL(Ecatel) servers get suspended for not following the DMCA Complaints? They just need to follow their own countries copyright complaints if any..
Sir, I don't think so Sweden/Russian/NL(Ecatel) servers get suspended for not following the DMCA Complaints? They just need to follow their own countries copyright complaints if any..

Are you asking a question? Most hosts go by DMCA regardless of location
Are you asking a question? Most hosts go by DMCA regardless of location

Opps Sorry. That "?" was just a mistake .. :)
Buddy, I have been with Ecatel for almost 1 year, and with HostKey for almost 6 months, and also most of my dedicated server clients are running streaming sites for which we receive 10-15 daily complaint's and we are just ignoring those complaints :)
Opps Sorry. That "?" was just a mistake .. :)
Buddy, I have been with Ecatel for almost 1 year, and with HostKey for almost 6 months, and also most of my dedicated server clients are running streaming sites for which we receive 10-15 daily complaint's and we are just ignoring those complaints :)

Which country are those hosts at? So you are based using the main hosts at these main hosts but can ignore the DMCA? is that it
All countries do dmcas some are softer with dmcas like NL if you follow them what they say then you will have not to many worries. Another thing use a lesser used file host stay away from the top 5 to 7 and your files will not get deleted
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