WCDDL Modules, Plugins and Extensions

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Mr Happy

Active Member
WCDDL Version 3 Modules, Plugins and Extensions

Now that WCDDL version 3 has got it's full release I've decided to start releasing plugins and modules for it. This thread contains WCDDL Modules, Plugins and Extensions for Version 3 only so no support will be given to Version 2. V3 is far faster, safer and easier to use so I'd advise you to consider upgrading. The modules and plugins available will be far superior to V2 as well. All plugins and modules in this thread will require the Plugin Manager below to be installed.
All the modules are designed so you can modify the appearance in the CSS file or the settings. You should never have to do manual edits on the modules. If you've questions just ask.


WCDDL Plugin Manager

The plugin manager allows you to install, change settings and update other plugins easily. To install just upload it to your modules folder and go to http://exmaple.com/wc3admin.php?go=installpluginManager


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MrH, a small suggestion 4 ur plugin manager:

see the 1st arrow, Options, should only be available if mod is installed.

see the 2nd arrow, Install, should'nt be available if mod IS installed.

see the 3rd arrow, Uninstall should only be available if mod IS installed.
Valid points.

First the install link
If you are having trouble with a module you can click the install link at anytime. This will re-install it restoring it to default options and settings. Any saved data is preserved. For example. Let's say you have the ACP Module and you've done something weird to the settings and now you have no re-rate options. By clicking the Install link it will restore the default settings and options but preserve all the re-rates you've made to sites. If on the other hand you were to uninstall the module and then re-install it you would lose all the re-rate logs as uninstalling it removes saved data. Should the name change to Re-Install or Restore Default Settings? Ya it probably should.

For the Options
With a lot of my newer modules you can go straight to settings and when saving the options and settings it will notice if the module is not installed and will do so allowing you to skip the install process completely. An example of this is the Admin Protection Module.

For the Uninstall
Things can go wrong. You could have a similar module by someone else or an old version which is corrupt making it difficult to tell which is installed and which isn't.

Yes the whole Plugin Manager could be a hell of a lot better. I asked for a plugin Manager of some type to be installed by default into WCDDL and I do believe JmZ will add one sometime in the future which will make everything easier. At the moment it's hard as to re-code the Plugin Manager to the way I want it to work would require all the released modules to have elements re-coded. I'll think about it but it's a hell of a lot of work and I'd prefer to see it added by default instead by JmZ.

could u do a site arrowup, site ddls an site rate all in one module,

also can u re'-up jomasaco site manager extended

wcddl_blacklist.php & acp issue:

Hi, @Mr.Happy

I just installed Blacklist and Acp plugins on my website . But i dont why any time i try to ban a website, after that i search and check that site again , its unbanned and acp display a log line - "Automatic Unban" .

Can you plz confirm this bug? Wcddl 3

Thank you.
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@resoft11 I got the same problem too. 1 day ban is like 1 minute ban. When you ban forever it will get unbanned after a short time.
Thanks Mr.Happy.

And plz check Report plugin too, i add Report Button to sidebar but seem like its not working. When we click to Report Download button , just appear a message "Please Wait..." and it will be forever , nothing is reported.

@mgmaik Do you have same problem with Report plugin too?
@Chris2009 that would be indeed a nice Filehost update.
But adding icons for filehost module isn't really that hard too.

The only thing I'm really waiting for is, the webmaster panel. I heard Mr Happy is already working on it. I'm really curious.
Whenever I want to add/whitelist a site on the ACP from Mr Happy, I need to fill in the site url, site name and email.

This is pretty annoying when a forum only gives the site url. There is nog way I can only add the site url without the email or site name.

Every time someone wants to get whitelisted, I need to contact them back for their submission email and site name.

I remember (without the ACP module) you just could only add the site url, and the rest goes filled in automatically when someone submits.

I hope you understand, I tried my best to explain.
Whenever I want to add/whitelist a site on the ACP from Mr Happy, I need to fill in the site url, site name and email.

This is pretty annoying when a forum only gives the site url. There is nog way I can only add the site url without the email or site name.

Every time someone wants to get whitelisted, I need to contact them back for their submission email and site name.

I remember (without the ACP module) you just could only add the site url, and the rest goes filled in automatically when someone submits.

I hope you understand, I tried my best to explain.

Going by memory as I haven't looked as WCDDL in a month now it's a security issue and the way WCDDL works by default is a major security problem.

If you whitelist a site by adding the url... eg example.com then whoever is the next person to submit using example.com decides the default site name and email address for that site. If nobody has submitted before it records the email and site name.

You have a support thread on WJ. Say the owner of example.com asks to be whitelisted and a few hours later you reply with your now whitelisted and I see your reply and the owner of example.com is asleep. I can then go to your site, submit using the url example.com with my own email address and whatever site name I want. I now have full control of that site. I have the default email, If you add a webmaster area I will have full control over it etc. I can then chose to submit my own urls to earn more downloads or submit malware and fake uploads to get example.com banned or just to fuck up your site.

By asking for an email address and site name when whitelisting this security issue is removed.

I plan on releasing a WCP as mentioned above but this got delayed a bit. When it's released the webmaster will enter the email address, url and site name to register and get whitelisted. All you'll have to do is approve the site by clicking one button. Alternatively you can have them autoapproved. This will mean no inputting of information for you at all and is extremely secure.

In summary it's a security issue. All my modules are built to be 100% secure and therefore I won't be undoing this feature.
Is there any script or module for v3 pagination?

i mean << Previous 2,3,4,5 Next >>

        echo $downloads->pages(array(
            array('default', WCDDL_PAGES_DEFAULT),
            array('query', WCDDL_PAGES_QUERY),
            array('type', WCDDL_PAGES_TYPE),
            array(array('query', 'type'), WCDDL_PAGES_QUERY_TYPE),
            array('site', WCDDL_PAGES_SITE),

jomasaco already made a beginning of it.

This is what he did:

"An litle complex.
need to get the max pages, corrent page, to much work

V1.0 Show First on pagination always who are page 1

$modEnabled = true; //Change to false to turn it off    

function firstlast($pagina){
    if (!strstr($pagina[0],'">1</'))
    $pagina[0] = preg_replace('/(\d+)/i','1',$pagina[0]);
$pagina[0] = preg_replace('/>(\d+)</i','><b>First</b><',$pagina[0]);

Core::load()->hook('PagesPost', 'firstlast');

credits goes to jomasaco of course.
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@Mr Happy i have error with module wcddl_topDownloads

[26-Mar-2012 18:49:00] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: age in modules/wcddl_topDownloads.php on line 35
[26-Mar-2012 18:49:00] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: age in modules/wcddl_topDownloads.php on line 44
Line 35
      if($data['age'] < (time() - $this->time_limit)) {
Line 44
         if($d != $data['age'])
V1.0 Mr Happy - Shows the total amount of downloads for each catagory and in the queue on your site

      To install this mod you need to have the Plugin Manager module installed which you can find here https://*********.net/topic/2058-wcddl/
      Then just click on Install.

$modEnabled = true; //Change to false to turn it off

class totalDownloads {
      How often do you want to update the list of downloads.
      600 is every 10 minutes in seconds.
   public $time_limit = 600;
      debug shows errors if any exist. Only set to true if your testing or having problems etc.
   public $debug = false;

/*---------------  Don't edit below here unless you know what your at.  ----------------*/
   public $output = '';
   public $total = 0;
   public $error = array();
   public $update = array();
   public function total() {
      $core = Core::load();
      $data = $core->parseConfig('totalDownloads');
      if($data['age'] < (time() - $this->time_limit)) {
         $total = Database::quickColumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . WCDDL_DB_PREFIX . 'queue', array());
         if($total != $data['queue'][1])
            $data = $this->update();
      if((count($this->error) > 0) && $this->debug)
         return 'Total Downloads Error:<br />' . implode('<br />', $this->error) . '<br />';
      $this->output .= '<ul class="totaldownloads">';
      foreach($data as $d) {
         if($d != $data['age'])
            $this->output .= '<li class="' . $d[0] . '">' . $d[0] . ' : ' . $d[1] . '</li>';
      $this->output .= '</ul>';
      return $this->output;
   private function update() {
      $rows = Database::quickRows('SELECT type,COUNT(*) cnt FROM ' . WCDDL_DB_PREFIX . 'downloads GROUP BY type');
      if(!empty($rows)) {
         $this->update['age'] = time();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $this->update[$row['type']] = array($row['type'], $row['cnt']);
            $this->total = $this->total + $row['cnt'];
         $this->error[] = 'No Downloads found in database.';
      $queue = Database::quickColumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . WCDDL_DB_PREFIX . 'queue', array());
      $this->update['queue'] = array('Queue', $queue);
      $this->update['total'] = array('Total',$this->total);
      $core = Core::load();
      return $this->update;
   public function checkupdate() {
      return '100;https://*********.net/extra/mrhappy/check1.php?mod=totalDownloads;https://*********.net/topic/2058-wcddl-modules-advanced-seo-and-admin-protection/';
   public function install() {
      $core = Core::load();
      echo "To add the Total Downloads just Add this line to your site where you want the :<br /><br /><strong>" . htmlentities("<?php echo Core::load()->templateVar('totalDownloads'); ?>") . "</strong><br /><br />For support and more modules visit <a href=\"http://*********.net\" target=\"_blank\">*********.net</a>";
   public function uninstall() {
      echo "To uninstall Total Downloads just remove the following from your your template:<br /><br /><strong>" . htmlentities("<?php echo Core::load()->templateVar('totalDownloads'); ?>") . "</strong><br /><br /><br />Remember to remove or disable the " . WCDDL_DB_PREFIX . "totalDownloads.php file from the modules folder.<br /><br />For support and more modules visit <a href=\"http://*********.net\" target=\"_blank\">*********.net</a>";

if($modEnabled) {
   $totalDownloads = new totalDownloads();

   if(isset($_GET['go']) && $_GET['go']=='installtotalDownloads')
      Core::load()->hook('AdminHandleContent', array('totalDownloads', 'install'));
   if(isset($_GET['go']) && $_GET['go']=='checkupdatetotalDownloads')
      Core::load()->hook('AdminHandleContent', array('totalDownloads', 'checkupdate'));
   if(isset($_GET['go']) && $_GET['go']=='uninstalltotalDownloads')
      Core::load()->hook('AdminHandleContent', array('totalDownloads', 'uninstall'));
@Mr Happy i have error with module wcddl_topDownloads

[26-Mar-2012 18:49:00] PHP Notice: Undefined index: age in modules/wcddl_topDownloads.php on line 35
[26-Mar-2012 18:49:00] PHP Notice: Undefined index: age in modules/wcddl_topDownloads.php on line 44
That means you tried to use the module before you installed it. Try clicking install.
If your still having trouble let me know.
[quote="-sky-, post: 1473953"]where i can found WCP ,checkhost and ratingstart modules for wcddl 3[/quote]
 Their's a checkhost/file host module and site rating module (ACP Module) in this thread but not a WCP yet.
That can be easily done with CSS.

For example:

<a href="" id="<?php echo $filehost; ?>" /><?php echo $filehost; ?></a>

Replace it according to the WCDDL code :p

Also you need to add CSS IDs in your .css file



and so on....
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