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do you guyz think filesonic cheats download count? cos i beleive when im on ppd they show less dl and shows sale. but when i switch to sale option then i see no sales ..few dl only ..
I Know I Don't Have Any Rights To Guide You, But Personally I Want To Tell You

"You'll Get Various Kinds of Guides Here & There, Starting A Warez Forum, Using Multi-Poster To Post 100s of Forums At Once, But My Opinion Is Stick To That 4 Forums & Just To Filesonic- elpirata"​
Keep doing what you are doing mate. You need to refine what you do at WBB, not start over!
And from the things you said earlier I thought you weren't into money.... xD
rg_kales...nice to see you. you know buddy money is needed to lead a smooth life. i have been helping the community wbb but need some money also.. :)
@ShareShiz I think , that it depends what type of porn they are talking about . A lot of people are sharing amateur clips and I believe most of the amateur clips cannot be considered as Warez , because of unknown or N/a copyright holder . The videos and movies produced by the porn companies and ripped afterwards - well thats 100% Warez .
Stay away from movies warez sites with movies are getting shut down or sued. Right now porn is the best if you use a good file host like Fileserve or Uploadstation
@wrestledld You are right , but if you are going to make your own sex tape ,there is always a risk too . First - the Laws in you country , Second if it is a porn movie - Diseases from all this nasty b*** , Third - monniez are never enough . Bottom-line , if you decide to make your own movie , we are looking forward to see it , and to rip and share it 1000000 in the first 5 minutes after your Movie is released =)
@ShareShiz I think , that it depends what type of porn they are talking about . A lot of people are sharing amateur clips and I believe most of the amateur clips cannot be considered as Warez , because of unknown or N/a copyright holder . The videos and movies produced by the porn companies and ripped afterwards - well thats 100% Warez .

And for that reason (and a few others) why I started an amateur forum.
hello , i am also uploading porn but i make everyday 0.20 cents and i am posting like 10 files per day , somebody can help me with some suggestions ?
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