VPS - up, site - down. I need help with my site!

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KnownSRV wasn't sold in the end. We invested piles of benjamins and we survived the hard times.

If you were migrated last I believe I know who you are. Your site was causing VPS load to go over 50 at peak times, on highly optimized setup(nginx, fcgi, caching etc). There is something on the site that uses way too much resources for a VPS - you can start from your site, it's where the problem lies most likely.

Good luck!

If that was the way you felt, you should have given him his backup immediately and asked him to find a new host.

That was a very kiddie move.
Yea, that's true Lock Down, but they are good guys, so they gave me a free month of usage after that. At least they helped me, most of hosts wouldn't do that.

mynameis940 Specify the control panel you have installed on your VPS. If you have installed kloxo . Then for sure there is no stability unless you manually optimize your web server , php and mysql.

Set the execution time to high. Try disabling modules or plugins one by one and test the board.
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