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VOE™ Video-Hosting:
Next Level Video Hosting: Superfast, well paid & reliable. :rocket:

Hello everyone :wave:

We would like to introduce you VOE.SX, a high performance video hosting cloud & Content Delivery Network (CDN). Below you will find our amazing conditions & all important information.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them or write to us.

VOE AFFILIATE CONDITIONS - up to $35/10.000 Views :moneybag:
+ You can find the high rates here: voe.sx/earn-money
+ The minimum withdrawal amount is $10.00.
+ Payments are made every week or even faster. (mostly 24-48 hours)
+ The specified conditions are credited per 10,000 views.
+ Automatic programs to block advertising or VPN/Proxy/Tor traffic will not be rewarded.
+ 2 visits per unique IP-Address/user per 24 hours are counted.
+ Embeds / direct links are compensated equally.
+ The file must be seen at least 30 seconds and must be at least one minute long.
+ In case of abuse, fraud, or similar offenses we take the right to deactivate your account.

+ Powerful fast streaming & encoding!
+ Account Storage Space: starting at 3TB (depends on the traffic/views)
+ Storage time: 60-120 days without a view
+ Direct MP4 playback / background encoding
+ In-house development, no unstable xVideoSharing script!
+ Over 30+ player/account configuration options
+ 25 GB max file size
+ 1000+ supported remote upload websites
+ Comfortable Payout methods: Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Advcash, Litecoin, Payeer, Payoneer & Paypal
+ Smart Enterprise DDoS-Protection :shield:
+ Premium Player - it’s another level
+ Fully automatic highload balancing, for the fastest delivery!

VOE HELP / REQUEST :grey_question:
We are constantly developing the site further. So if something is missing, a problem has occurred or you have found a bug: contact us. This is the only way we can correct errors. We are always interested in satisfying our customers and users as much as possible. :$

✅ ZOOM Uploader supported
✅ ThemaCreator supported
✅ FTP/File/Remote/Clone Upload

  • Filemanager & Video Direct Link Example :round_pushpin:
    VOE Hosting Provider Test MP4 Streaming Video File
  • Statistic Dashboard
VOE LEGAL & POLICY :bookmark_tabs:
By using VOE you accept our TOS (voe.sx/tos), Privacy Policy (voe.sx/privacy) & Copyright Policy (voe.sx/copyright). DMCA requests are processed automatically. All of our logos are protected by copyright. Local laws and regulations apply.

We are at your disposal: For further questions or feedback please contact us here, via our contact form (voe.sx/contact) or email: contact(at)voe.sx. We will contact you as soon as possible. Please use our services only if you can provide high-quality traffic.

You can register here: voe.sx/sign-up & Thank you very much for your time. :ok_hand:
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Will you add them in the future? It would most likely raise your users. You can even look into it: github.com/embedly/player.js
This is not planned yet, but once we have set the Vidstack Player as the new standard we can take another look at it.
my vids are 288x512 so. there is no fixed for me :S I don't understand why you would do such a thing.
With your video non-standard or custom resolutions, this is of course difficult. Your video falls into the 360p category, for which even YouTube only recommends 400-750-1000 kbits. We are not completely wrong with around 800. https://stackoverflow.com/a/24199025

How many kbits do your videos always have?
@VOE Hello , what are the withdrawal fees for Payeer and LTC?
7 cents or so, but we pay that. The range is automatic.
Maintance mode all link write? Maintance time? Goodwork VOE.Thank you answers.
1-2 servers are currently in maintenance mode, which is almost irrelevant compared to our other servers. However, as there are usually tens of thousands of files on each server, this is more noticeable. But if you look at all of them, this is < 1%
my payment is still pending please check user: watchmovieseries
Post automatically merged:

requested on 2024-03-17 18:31:00
Yes, the Paypal payments. They will all be forwarded today.
7 cents or so, but we pay that. The range is automatic.

1-2 servers are currently in maintenance mode, which is almost irrelevant compared to our other servers. However, as there are usually tens of thousands of files on each server, this is more noticeable. But if you look at all of them, this is < 1%

Yes, the Paypal payments. They will all be forwarded today.

thanks for the update
Could you display the number of views for each file in the file manager itself, instead of only in the file details? It's challenging to track the popularity of files without this visibility.
I've made a note of this for us, maybe we can adjust it.
Can we get back vidstack player? (It has video.js styled theme)
Yes, it's coming back. We are currently testing some bug fixes and will reactivate it in the next 1-2 weeks. During the last integration there were a few bugs that had to be discovered and fixed first, which is why we have deactivated it.
@VOE Does it help prevent DMCA takedown or not? =>''Redirects the user to a protected URL''
Unfortunately I don't have any information on this, we process all dmcas that we receive.
Every day it is the same, the files are not completely uploaded.

Have you tested it with the FTP upload? Browsers are usually not able to upload large files at the best speed. Actually we have many servers and after each upload a different server is used. I am not currently aware of any other complaints or tickets on this subject.

Alot of videos in Maintenance Mode. How long will it be solved? And can not even create a ticket. no message field to put the words in.​

Clear your browser cache or check whether a browser plugin is blocking the ticket system. There are 2 servers in maintenance mode, compared to the total number of files this is always < 0.5% of all videos.
Is this possible to stop encoding?
No, encoding is necessary because storage space and traffic cost money and we reduce both with encoding.
can you move india to tier 4 most the streaming services pay $7 or $8 for india

Thank You
No, India unfortunately has very poor advertising rates. We can't do anything about that. I can only recommend that you look into targeting your videos at a different audience. https://richads.com/blog/what-is/tier-1-countries/
I've made a note of this for us, maybe we can adjust it.

Yes, it's coming back. We are currently testing some bug fixes and will reactivate it in the next 1-2 weeks. During the last integration there were a few bugs that had to be discovered and fixed first, which is why we have deactivated it.

Unfortunately I don't have any information on this, we process all dmcas that we receive.

Have you tested it with the FTP upload? Browsers are usually not able to upload large files at the best speed. Actually we have many servers and after each upload a different server is used. I am not currently aware of any other complaints or tickets on this subject.

I tried to upload with zoom uploader, it doesn't work.
Trying by ftp with filezilla, if the files upload, but very slow too.

I was thinking of buying the premium service, but... questions.

Will have the same problem when uploading files?
The files with DMCA problems are also deleted?
Or do you have some kind of solution for that?

Does this mean that my users will have no advertising?
You only provide 3 TB of space, if I need more I have to buy it?
And what does premium traffic mean?

I tried to upload with zoom uploader, it doesn't work.
Trying by ftp with filezilla, if the files upload, but very slow too.

I was thinking of buying the premium service, but... questions.

Will have the same problem when uploading files?
The files with DMCA problems are also deleted?
Or do you have some kind of solution for that?

Does this mean that my users will have no advertising?
You only provide 3 TB of space, if I need more I have to buy it?
And what does premium traffic mean?

With FTP when you say slow upload? (I upload from RDP and the upload per file is from 15 - 30mb upload speed)
I have had a problem with Web Upload in the past too, but I never mentioned it because I know that there are general problems with browsers.
And ZooM is a very good choice, the only downside is that it uploads them one by one.

The DMCA if the site you are linking to is not yours and you have not found a way on your own site to prevent them from finding the URL for a complaint, there is nothing you can do. (I also upload to other sites and have the same problem)

Regarding your last question, I had asked the same thing last month.
See Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/nGW1KbpU2OQ1

TBs increase depending on how good your stats are: https://prnt.sc/-hesYBJL2Lqk

I hope I helped.
It is always best to create a support ticket, we are not that active here. :)

There are many factors why the upload speed is slow. We have hundreds of servers that are rotated after each upload. So if the upload is permanently slow on all servers, then it is more of a local problem (ISP, computer, ...) and not a server problem.

Browsers usually have poorer speed, as browsers are not optimized for large files. If you upload large files and the browser places them or parts of them in the memory beforehand, the upload is significant slower. Have a look at the ZOOM file uploader, this should always work or rent a remote desktop/server.

The storage space is increased every 5 days based on views, sales or paid packages. Usually 350 views (of all kinds) per day frees up another 1 TB. Always activate the extended statistics in the account. Premium Traffic is intended for ad-free videos, e.g. if you have your own website and would prefer to monetize it yourself and need adfree videos. You then pay for the traffic/data volume that your users consume. The Premium Plus subscription includes 1TB Premium Traffic.

The partner rank with e.g. longer storage times (120 days instead of 60) is assigned by system from 2$ turnover per day or 3000 views (of all kinds) per day on a weekly average.

We process all legal complaints or DMCA notices within 24 hours to comply with all local legal requirements. Complaints can be submitted 24-7 and are reviewed manually and automatically. You will find a list of deleted files in your account as well as a list in case of complaints. However, this only affects a very small proportion of all files.

@wallhack "And ZooM is a very good choice, the only downside is that it uploads them one by one." There is an option in the navigation where you can set the simultaneous uploads yourself.