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Active Member
Ok, so I'm working on a new project (non-warez).
It will be a forum where I'll post tutorials and even users can share theirs, help each other.

So I was thinking, that whether I should make it with vB, IPB, phpBB or MyBB ?
Which one is the best ?

PS: It'll be on an Onshore Server. But I'll try to get a Offshore VPS for it :)
^^ I know vB rocks, but I fear if anyone reports me for using Nulled Script, then I'll have to take down my site.
I know, it'll be on Offshore server, but still, somehow, vB gets you there too (I had this experience)
Im with Whoo , try phpBB i use it on my all boards - its easy to use and like whoo said theres a lot of skins/mods for it.
Oh for fuck sake stop with the childish vb, ipb, phpbb or mybb rock's/FTW replies just because it's the one your using. Any good webmaster can make a great site with any of those scripts. Most of the best sites are so customized and modified you can barely recognize the original script. Do you honestly think warez-bb would have failed if it has used vb or something else. It doesn't matter a fuck because of the great staff and coders that customized it and made it the site it is.

Get a good coder and gfx artist and you can pick a script at random.
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