- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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i cannot move file to folder now,it have trouble :(
What error you get.We just tried and it works.

Yeah but why there is not history about payouts? Like other filehosts,We request,And they show if it's pending or approved,But in usershare nothing is showing.

Check replies in this thread, asked already and answered.
i am taking an error

Also link checker tool doesn't show name of files only show dead or alive...


Hello, i have to report some counting download problems:
Some downloads, yesterday, weren't counted.
Indeed 2 days ago with 1081 dl i earned $ 20.632
yesterday 1261 i earned $ 21.135
and today 1042 i am earning $ 21.279
All files have same size (min. +201mb)
I have contacted the live support and they said me to send a e-mail to but after +24h i didn't received any answer.
Can you tell me why downloads are sometimes not counted at all??


Hello, i have to report some counting download problems:
Some downloads, yesterday, weren't counted.
Indeed 2 days ago with 1081 dl i earned $ 20.632
yesterday 1261 i earned $ 21.135
and today 1042 i am earning $ 21.279
All files have same size (min. +201mb)
I have contacted the live support and they said me to send a e-mail to but after +24h i didn't received any answer.
Can you tell me why downloads are sometimes not counted at all??

There was a stats freeze about 2 days ago.It happens when the server becomes overloaded because it is live it is very bandwidth intensive.We have since built a dedicated stats server to circumvent the issue.It should no longer be a issue
I'm waiting usershare will update the payment WebMoney:'(

Yea I know loll believe me it will get done, its just that it aint that simple , and when we get set to do it, something comes up.Like this error ernestger getting or setting up a complete new server just for stats.Its being done though,after you'll get paid right away.B-)
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