- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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i think it's what Perl ask.
i'm getting this error too.

any detail on this error?
Simply re-request it again.

Hey,the button still doesnt work for me,for a week~
I complaint 3 times already~
Were having payment issues now because were changing the system.We are moving to automatic request and payouts so there will be no more withdraw button, so be patient as we configure everything properly.
withdraw button is not working for me
my user: viethoa
read reply above please

withdraw button work I continue upload :D
works for some and not others, were working on this.

i have the same problem too.


By the way, my payment still pending?

WE will look into this as well as the FTP issue
haiz.... when u gonna solve my problem?my payment has no status! from paid to nothing. the paid is a lie, no money transfer to my paypal acc. username is morninghero
haiz.... when u gonna solve my problem?my payment has no status! from paid to nothing. the paid is a lie, no money transfer to my paypal acc. username is morninghero
Did you email support about this along with your paypal? If you didnt do so, if you did wait for a reply and stop spamming this thread.
Please caluculate when you are to get paid and stop spamming.

sorry sir...

calculate what???

I'm request that from 2011-04-27, and until now I'm not receive my payout.

I'm look in --->

"Once you reach the minimum balance of$10.00 you can request payout. You will get the payment in 7 business days after the payout request was made."

If I calculate, actually I already receive my payout from the date I request that.

its okay if you still busy , I can waiting it.

But don't say

"Please calculate when you are to get paid and stop spamming."
I've wrote an email to the support several times, the last was send 4 day ago but none has answer me; it's more than a week that I report RU problems but it seems that nobody cares and problems are always the same. I've spoke several times with the technical assistance, each operator says that they will work to fix the problems, but nothing is changed. I start to feel very tired of that situation <_<
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On 2011-05-03 I Upgraded my Standard Account (Downloads Plan) to Premium Account. Since that day i can't choose Downloads Plan or Sales Plan, today you choose Download Plan for me. But I Want The Retroactive Earnings on my account since 2011-05-03 (Day of that error)

user : majestad23
what about premium sales...???
sir is there a problem with premium sales?

remote upload from fileserve does not work
What is the error you get

I've wrote an email to the support several times, the last was send 4 day ago but none has answer me; it's more than a week that I report RU problems but it seems that nobody cares and problems are always the same. I've spoke several times with the technical assistance, each operator says that they will work to fix the problems, but nothing is changed. I start to feel very tired of that situation <_<

Nothing is wrong with remote upload from megaupload, simply make the link in megaupload a direct link and it will work

check my user: honghlu
can't withdrawt money :(

On 2011-05-03 I Upgraded my Standard Account (Downloads Plan) to Premium Account. Since that day i can't choose Downloads Plan or Sales Plan, today you choose Download Plan for me. But I Want The Retroactive Earnings on my account since 2011-05-03 (Day of that error)

user : majestad23
No user could change their plan, so please recheck sir

You support team choose download plan for me, because i can't choose the plan. When i upgraded my account on 2011-05-03 to Premium, the plan changed from Download to Sales... And I not Choose that..
Always got the download plan
Nothing is wrong with remote upload from megaupload, simply make the link in megaupload a direct link and it will work
I'm very very tired of being teased, I've explained the situation to a lots of technical operators, I've wrote a lots of email to the support, I've send you my megaupload login infos to test the ru problems....I've waste a lot of time trying to explain that the same links that works with the others ru linke FSo FSe don't work into US ru and you keep saying that the links have to be direct but the only thing that I can do to make the links direct is to activate the direct download option in my megaupload account. I've repeated you several times that the same links that works into the other filehosts ru don't work into your and the only thing that you're able to do is to keep saying that I've to make the links direct ? So why ru works in the same way into all others filehost that I've used and your ru doesn't ?
I think that I've the answer to this question : because your ru doesn't work and as you can read into the previous post and also into others posts of this topic I'm not the only one that say this thing. But apparently you do not give a damn and now frankly I've had enough. Now I'd like to sum up my experiece with this host : I'm tired of having to deal with people who do nothing but make fun of me and also do not solve the problems that are reported; I've bought a premium account for one year and now only after a week I stop using this host...this was the worst purchase I've ever done and this is the worst filehost that I've ever tried and I'm into the filehost's world since 5 years, so people be careful with this service. I have nothing more to say so I'll stop heare; goodbye and good luck.
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