User from GFY tries to take down file hosts. Not with a DMCA, but...

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This really hits near and dear to me. I started up when depositfiles ppd system came out at $7 per 1k downloads (compared to make alot more) Was going good and strong for a couple years then a guy similar to this who had his own porn sites of the same genre on GFY or some other porn webmaster forum hell I forget which. To some it up, he basically sent masses and masses of false DMCA complaints to megarotic and depositfiles. He would claim a certain company who sold the DVD's in the US only had full ALL the rights to the content. I ended up contacting the said company who did make the content (was Japanese based) and they flat out said it was bullshit and were fine with it being uploaded to megarotics steaming WITH a link to the page where the content could of legally been bought. They did not want the depositfiles links and I was good with that. But this guy wouldn't stop. When the content would be removed he would go into the sites chatbox and tell people that HIS site still had the same content.

In the end this guy was sending around twenty harassing emails a day and a site I posted on who was facing a similar issue pretty much ratted me out by giving up my IP and information from private chats with the admin at the time. It was a fun ride that's for sure...
Even if they do manage to shut down processing for filelockers, the adult business will not magically increase their sales and conversions. Their heads are in the clouds if they think that. Filesharing is here to stay. If they put their content online, expect it to be copied, and shared everywhere. That's just how it is these days. IMHO the OP of that link at GFY is the one who uploaded files with names of CP, and all the other webmasters there who havent had a sale or a conversion for AFF in a while have all uploaded those files.. If you look at the screenshots there are files with every single word associated with CP.. that's some funny shit..

Just sayin

But!!! It will stop pirates making money.

When mainstream industries see the hole in your piracy is money, your all gone. If this is what one guy in porn can do, think what the Music, film and programming industries can do with lobbyists? They will be into Visa, MC and big dogs chopping processing for pirates. If a site uses a banned word it often breaks the terms of the payment processors. Just having the word CP Lolita, preteen, young teen. Can get a site canned. Whether it's pirated or not. Maybe you can break other rules and laws, the processors rules arent so easy to break and get away withit. there will always be usenet for sharing.

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ----------

Uploaders upload to infringe copyright because they can make money out of nothing, downloaders download to support copyright infringement because it's free. As far as there are downloaders, uploaders ain't gonna stop uploading. This is the fact and nothing can change that unless someone shut down the entire Internet.

It will remove one part the paid servers to host everything. no money, no servers.

The big problem here is, he isn't doing this correctly. He is just sending out tons and tons of false information which has already been proven that him and his team upload the copyrighted material themselves and send the links to paypal. Look at megaupload and how many people lost their family photos, personal videos etc. Yes megaupload removed there PPD system but it was still very active when it was alive.

This guy used to run a underage porn site and people think he's credible? He's being funded by a company that runs tube sites which are most likely 99.9% copyrighted material. The problem they have is when people use PPD the TUBE sites loose money. When the copyrighted material is on their tube sites they MAKE money from ads. Alot of videos on these tube sites are mini previews with links to blogs or sites that contain PPD links. They want the copyrighted material on their tube sites so they can take the money from the PPD users and keep it themselves.

Look at it this way, they are running a legal form of prostitution. If the camera wasn't there that's how the police would view it. Look at bangbus, they would pick up random women and pay to have sex with them...It's all bull that's going on.

To toss this in the mix as well, what about hosting companies like Softlayer or Rackspace. A slight number of people probably use their hosting to host private warez links or straight FTP downloads. Should they loose there payment processors? No. If the REAL rights holders would start hiring people to find links of copyrighted material and used the DMCA process which is established I'm sure the file lockers would be more then happy to remove the files from their servers.

It really doesn't matter if he uploads the material. It's there on the servers and with links to DL it and often with text links that are clearly against the terms the merchant agreed with the processor. You and I know that the piracy isn't anything new and isn't 100% uploaded by this guy. so lets not delude ourselves.
Kim Dotcom wasn't spending millions on servers for peoples family photos, personal videos etc, he earned it from piracy. No one shares theirfamily photos, personal videos etc with 1,000s of people, no one goes onto forums to promote sharing of their family photos, personal videos etc.
Tubes make money from ads, they can't have their billing withdrawn, so it would need a mighty law to bring them down and piracy would go as well. If that law came into place, the big tubes would love it. Mini previews are put up by the owners of the content. Go figure why.
Bangbus never picked up random women, no one with a brain tries that in porn. Think a bit more why.
Why should the rights owners have to hire people to go around in circle, easier, cheaper and far more effective to attack the money flow.
Not sure who you are but you obviously aren't clued up on this.
Lol, clued in Oh boy that really did make me laugh. Your getting awfully defensive for a forum.
Firstly, I never said 100% of this content is by him and his people. It's just been proven that he is responsible for the is sending in the emails to payment processors.

Secondly, your argument that these "file lockers" should of let the information get there in the first place. If you sell a blank dvd to someone and they decide to burn a copyrighted material are you going to run out and get memorex sued for that? They offer a service and reply to take down notices. You don't really seem to get that by the looks of it.

Third, I'm pretty sure I would be able to find message boards of people who might want to share family videos of their holidays and such. It's not unheard of nor is it rare. You do realize we live in a world where it's easier in some parts to upload photos to a nice little .zip / .rar archive then mail a copy out to all the family members. Who knows you could have a very large family. Sending a link in a email sure beats having to cost yourself an extra expense to make them all copies. Have you heard of a thing called YouTube? Yeah, people make personal videos and share them on forums all the time. Crazy shit ain't it?

Four, Tubes are making money from copyrighted material. You don't really seem to understand that. Anyone can upload a video to a tube site not just rights holders. By your logic that content should of never have even been able to get on the tubes servers. If I went and looked I bet easily 60% of the mini previews I would find go to blogs filled with DDL/PPD links. Why should that be allowed? Why should they be allowed to make money off it but others cannot? That's not really fair now is it.

Five, You really think pretty girls wanna have sex with a bunch of old men and have it filmed and distributed for free? Lmao...come on now. If you were clued up on this you would of known about the cases brought up on bangbros in the early days before they started getting them to sign contracts. I could bring up other arguments on this but why waste time getting to the point?

Six, if right owners care about there work they will hire people to hunt down piracy. It's just a necessity in this day and age. You're coming across that people only upload to make money? What about torrenting? What about FTP Dumps? What about top sites? The Scene? - Who's been as you say "pirating" since the 1970's.

Your ignorance to the idea is what I would expect of a forty year old with a raging boner and no money. I'll touch on your not clued in thing for a sec, I've been doing this far to long. Alot of you said pirating would end when KaaZa went defunct, some said Napster. There is and will be no end of it. I've seen every step that's been taken and it's all failed. If someone pirates your work don't get mad, be happy that someone out there finds your work enjoyable and wants to share it with others. Keep producing content that makes people want to see it. Real fans buy and support artists/film-makers/programmers who produce quality stuff. There are many studies that have shown that piracy helps get artists heard. It makes us evolve.
I guess file sharing is not popular in the Czech Republic or someone is just not real good at it.

So does AK share his donations with you or do you have your own anti-piracy site you are accepting donations at?

Or perhaps you are (partly) responsible for those movies with the 16 and 17 year old Czech girls performing sex acts?

Isn't it amazing how easy it is to accuse someone of something undesirable online and if you say it enough times many people online begin to believe it.
Lol, clued in Oh boy that really did make me laugh. Your getting awfully defensive for a forum.
Firstly, I never said 100% of this content is by him and his people. It's just been proven that he is responsible for the is sending in the emails to payment processors.

payment processors is the important word here.

Secondly, your argument that these "file lockers" should of let the information get there in the first place. If you sell a blank dvd to someone and they decide to burn a copyrighted material are you going to run out and get memorex sued for that? They offer a service and reply to take down notices. You don't really seem to get that by the looks of it.

You can't take the money for that DVD via Paypal and not infringe their terms. File lockers can do business in cash and they have no problem.

Third, I'm pretty sure I would be able to find message boards of people who might want to share family videos of their holidays and such. It's not unheard of nor is it rare. You do realize we live in a world where it's easier in some parts to upload photos to a nice little .zip / .rar archive then mail a copy out to all the family members. Who knows you could have a very large family. Sending a link in a email sure beats having to cost yourself an extra expense to make them all copies. Have you heard of a thing called YouTube? Yeah, people make personal videos and share them on forums all the time. Crazy shit ain't it? shows you what's on one server. Yes some people who were not breaking copyright laws lost their content on the servers. I doubt if those people were using Paypal for their family members to download the pictures.

Four, Tubes are making money from copyrighted material. You don't really seem to understand that. Anyone can upload a video to a tube site not just rights holders. By your logic that content should of never have even been able to get on the tubes servers. If I went and looked I bet easily 60% of the mini previews I would find go to blogs filled with DDL/PPD links. Why should that be allowed? Why should they be allowed to make money off it but others cannot? That's not really fair now is it.

No free tube is processing money via Paypal or other processors. If some were, the big boys would be busting them. No most mini previews are people selling joins to legal paysites. If you find otherwise you can report them.

Five, You really think pretty girls wanna have sex with a bunch of old men and have it filmed and distributed for free? Lmao...come on now. If you were clued up on this you would of known about the cases brought up on bangbros in the early days before they started getting them to sign contracts. I could bring up other arguments on this but why waste time getting to the point?

Do you know the law of 2257? Pretty girls do it for money.

Six, if right owners care about there work they will hire people to hunt down piracy. It's just a necessity in this day and age. You're coming across that people only upload to make money? What about torrenting? What about FTP Dumps? What about top sites? The Scene? - Who's been as you say "pirating" since the 1970's.

They are hunting them down and knocking them off by removing the money. Piracy will never be stopped 100%. Just reduced.

Your ignorance to the idea is what I would expect of a forty year old with a raging boner and no money. I'll touch on your not clued in thing for a sec, I've been doing this far to long. Alot of you said pirating would end when KaaZa went defunct, some said Napster. There is and will be no end of it. I've seen every step that's been taken and it's all failed. If someone pirates your work don't get mad, be happy that someone out there finds your work enjoyable and wants to share it with others. Keep producing content that makes people want to see it. Real fans buy and support artists/film-makers/programmers who produce quality stuff. There are many studies that have shown that piracy helps get artists heard. It makes us evolve.

True, you just wont get paid for pirating other peoples work.

Piracy was a micro business, now it's a mega business. Cutting off the funds will reduce piracy, not remove it.
I don't really know why it's hard for you to understand. Filelockers could easily take away premium accounts and still offer PPD. Anyone in this day and age can process a credit card offline in this day and age (Be it they still want to offer premium...). They could easily start sending wire transfers, cheques, money orders and the list goes on.

You can buy blank dvd's with paypal, let's do a quick search on ebay.
So by your earlier post...this seller should have his paypal account removed because the blank dvd could be used for copyright infringement.

I'm pretty sure ultramegabit operates more then just one server. Let's have a look at manwin who is funding this thing...
Damn, eight times the removal requests as ultramegabit?

Never claimed people who hosted self made or family videos/pictures use premium accounts. You seem to like adding on to what I say.

As for the previews I bet if I went on youporn or pornhub I could easily without a doubt in my mind be able to find several videos pointing to blogs or pirate sites as you refer to as.

Law 2257 requires actors to be over the age of eight-teen. It's already proven Robert had some sort of child pornography thing going on (I would of looked into it, but I'm not into underage sex thank you.) You all seem to praise him still. You know what happens to a child abuser/rapist in jail/prison? Yeah they get the shit beat out of them on a daily basis...Until you end up in protective custody.

By removing paypal it's not really hurting them much. There are alternatives. Maybe someone should be reporting Robert for his child porn to visa and mastercard 8-) I don't know why you still think just because tube sites don't have a payment processor there copyrighted content is fine to be viewed with ad's on the site so they can make money. Yeah it's fine if the big guys can make money off copyrighted content but not the little guys? That's not fair.

Piracy is not about making money. Sure some people upload to PPD sites to make a little extra on the side. Do I think it's right? Well it's up to the user to judge them. DDL sites are just the first layer of the idea which you don't seem to grasp. We share with others because we like the content and want others to enjoy it as we did. Piracy has always been a huge business. Killing off file lockers won't do a thing to it.

Let's show you a form of piracy that's lasted for thirty two years now. News groups / Usenet. There are petabytes of copyrighted content, has it stopped? No.

I'll just edit this really quick, Eric Green loves to tell people I'm behind bars for and I quote "behind fucking bars for a good forty to fifty years." Scare tactics don't with with the big players. You think were gone but we only got smarter. Hugs and kisses Eric. I know you'll be reading this.
Then start your own campaign to go after Tubes and Paypal. It's called Stop File Lockers and guess what?

It's job is stopping file lockers.

No there was no underage porn on Roberts site, that was a lie.

So file lockers can move their processing, so why are you worried?

The fact that you and others are posting shows you're worried. Mainstream is coming in on this method soon, then you'll all be sharing for real free. Be glad.

Not for profit??????????????? 8-)

Try using bank transfers or WU, because credit cards are going to get very tough to use once mainstream get going on this.
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Your pretty biased on your views and yes Robert was uploading / advertising child pornography. There is proof of it, google it. I don't use file lockers for copyrighted materials. I do however use them when I need to send files back and forth without needing to setup a ftp account on one of my servers. It's far more easier to send a password protected .rar file. For pirating there are better options out there. People who use DDL sites are those fairly new to this "game". Eventually they'll graduate and move on to better ways to do it. I don't get the the reason you think I'm worried. I just clearly stated the flaws in your viewing. Just your last post you think the only reason people share files is for profit and you are very very wrong. Your still living in the Napster days. The "Mainstream is coming" makes me laugh really. This is the internet, nowadays it's based on freedom. Silly how you think this is going to change anything.

I could go on to show why people to it not to earn money. I sorta think you don't even realize how anything other then file lockers work. Look at torrents, do people make money on them? No. Usenet, do people make money off that? No. Magnet links, do people make money off them? Nope. It's just funny really...since nearly all paid pornographic sites have ripped content from others in some way or another. I would suggest you maybe look into this file sharing world a little more before coming to the conclusion that it's all for money. Why not go around the world and kill everyone who sells bootleg movies? In the views you stated that would stop most of the piracy.

When one site goes down, more pop up in it's place. I don't think you've ever heard of bit-coins by the sounds of it as well. Just to touch back for a second. Look at usenet, you can get a subscription for 10-15-30 bucks and download 100tb of copyrighted content in a month. But but but why hasn't it stopped?! I'll let you answer that one. As for the torrents lets take a quick look at isohunt before we finish up here.
Active Torrents: 10,119,755
That is one and only one tracker alone. That number alone makes DDL sites look like a grain of salt. How about TPB? They lost their law suite but are they offline? Nope. It's a new day and age, get used to it.
Just to toss this out there, I currently have a 62TB file server loaded with content I never paid for. Did I use PPD sites? Nope. Grow up and realize this will not help your cause in any way or sort.

Edit: Just wanted to add something as well...Anyone else notice it's only these adult sites who are complaining and not the big movie studios? Guess there all mad that not alot of people will buy porn nowadays when a quick google search can give you something that's free :P

PS: Paypal doesn't allow or support campaign's who send death threats and post vital details out in the open public ;)
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Look at torrents, do people make money on them? No. Usenet, do people make money off that? No. Magnet links, do people make money off them? Nope.

Yes, big, fatass money.
Yes, PILES of it.
Same as torrents.

Take a look at this image:


ISOHunt also have 5 ads per one download page.
For one search you need 3 steps to get to desired link.
That makes 15 ad impresions.
Multiply that with 500K-1M daily users.
You can look at possibly 15M impressions a day.
Do you have ANY idea how much is that traffic worth?

Usenet. Do you know how much usenet providers pay affiliates for referring people?

So, don't talk nonsense, really.
The people who package the torrent, not the site / tracker itself. Most private trackers have no ad's. Though with Isohunt I can download it as easy as one click once I pick the desired torrent. I thought most people used adblock and no script these days?

As with usenet yes they have an affiliate system. Though you don't make money uploading the content to usenet. Torrents or usenet are not PPD.

My posts were based more less towards the uploader of the torrent. The site does need ad's to survive I agree with that completely.
1. Most private trackers charge fat money for invites.
2. Only 10% of people searching for warez on the internet, have adblock.
3. Maybe you can, but average joe would probably need lots of clicks and fails. When you have 10 download buttons everywhere, it's easy to miss proper one.
4. So what if they are not PPD? It's still same thing. Money+CIM.
5. Yes you can make money even uploading on usenet, lol. Send some links in nfo :) or filehost links.
All you need is imagination.

Btw, I am not following discussion really, long ass posts, just noticed this one, wanted to show you that you are wrong...
Last edited: agree with this campaign?

I've never had and tracker charge for an invite. I know IPT offers a donation invite when there sign up is closed. The private trackers I'm currently in do not allow charging for invites in any form or it's an instant ban. How can you put a when you use a decent nzb search engine? Maybe if there on a forum or something. In six years of using usenet I have never once seen a usercash or any type of sort.

I'm not going to argue this, from my personal experience I've never had any of the above and were both entitled to our opinions.

Btw, when using usenet it's similar to the following.

You click and download the file directly. It's not a http link.
Do you realize it's 1 million of users like you and me, against like 500 millions, who have no clue?? What You or I do, is not applicable to majority. It's actually completely opposite what they do.
While you are experienced, they have no idea what is usenet. They just see colorful advert, with 'Download with the speed of light', they click, and they pay for it. Till they learn, it's too late, someone got that money.
Those 500 millions have no idea what they search, what they click, how they get infected. They are the target for money wolves.
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