User from GFY tries to take down file hosts. Not with a DMCA, but...

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Hello Mr. Dumbass,

I never signed a contract with PayPal, but I did agree to their TOS, which is totally different matter. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING.

Sorry I thought you had a big account there. So you will take PP to court for not doing business with you, because you never followed their TOS. :facepalm:

You two guys can stay on the sinking ship while I watch from shore laughing, for failing to adapt to the times with the rest of the Adult Entertainment industry.

AK's efforts are useless and PayPal is just going to be in the same boat as you guys.

You mean the sinking ship Corbin Fisher are on, now they can start sending out 1,000s of letter to pirates demanding they pay up.

AK has you guys rattled and it's obvious by the posts and file lockers losing Paypal accounts.

As for Paypal on a sinking ship. You should do stand up comedy. Still do try to sue Paypal before then. :))
FTR, none of the 'real' filehosts have had any issues thus far. The only ones you've shut down, and done us all a favor, is ones run by kids who buy a script, install it on a server, and start accepting money in their personal/premier paypal accounts.
What Corbin Fisher has done is set a new path to monetising piracy.

Sue the file locker with the pirated material on, freeze their bank accounts, negotiate a settlement which include all the details of the uploaders and possibly downloaders, trace their addresses and let the letters go out.

No longer is the defense, it's just the IP address. Its the IP plus a whole lot more to identify the culprit.

Lifetalk, so far this is one guy working on his own. Already he's knocking off the low hanging fruit. He will move up. Our weak links are clear. CP, is an obvious one and anyone with anything that looks remotely like it is in trouble. Then there are a few other porn subjects that will get a red flag from processors.

Now Corbin Fisher has upped the game and Oron has sold the uploaders down the river. First and not last time is my prediction.
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What Corbin Fisher has done is set a new path to monetising piracy.

Sue the file locker with the pirated material on, freeze their bank accounts, negotiate a settlement which include all the details of the uploaders and possibly downloaders, trace their addresses and let the letters go out.

No longer is the defense, it's just the IP address. Its that plus a whole lot more.

in short he is planning to send letters to 80% of internet users ? Are these guys that much free ? I mean thr are millions of downloaders, to how many users are you going to investigate & send letters ?
Yeah, if only it were as straightforward as 2 lines of text on an Internet forum. Good luck replicating what Corbin did to Oron, with every file locker. I, for one, would love to see how many more of the big names they can bring down using the same strategy.

My estimate would be, hmmm, zero.

EDIT: He says he's got a team. You say he's working on his own. Either of you need to get your facts right.
What Corbin Fisher has done is set a new path to monetising piracy.

Sue the file locker with the pirated material on, freeze their bank accounts, negotiate a settlement which include all the details of the uploaders and possibly downloaders, trace their addresses and let the letters go out.

No longer is the defense, it's just the IP address. Its that plus a whole lot more.

I like how you're sucking Corbin Fisher's dick (lol) What Corbin Fisher really is doing is trying to save a dying and failing business model.

He has to sue to save himself. It's sad really.

Plus, It's probably not the smartest idea to mail them.
in short he is planning to send letters to 80% of internet users ? Are these guys that much free ? I mean thr are millions of downloaders, to how many users are you going to investigate & send letters ?
You think there are that many to get money from is a problem. :facepalm:

I doubt is 80% of Internet traffic are all involved in piracy. We are of course talking about people in the First World, no point is suing those in the Third World. You guys do know this has already happened. The music industry did it and the porn industry still does it. Cash Cow.

As for numbers, it must of skipped you but there are lots of unemployed people to employ for this work. Someone on $1500 a month can find 100s of people a month. Sending letters is automated, say demanding $5,000 on each. Those who refuse get their asses dragged into court to watch their funds frozen. Won't work with all, 2 a month will cover the cost amply.

Yeah, if only it were as straightforward as 2 lines of text on an Internet forum. Good luck replicating what Corbin did to Oron, with every file locker. I, for one, would love to see how many more of the big names they can bring down using the same strategy.

My estimate would be, hmmm, zero.

Corbin Fisher is one porn company. There are many more. Pirates are now playing Russian Roulette hoping the next file locker to give over their identity won't be the one they used. Doesn't need to be all of them, if you don't know who will be next. What are you going to do?

you guys need to get out of your Mums basement and see what it's like in the real world. The numbers are in the favor of those suing.
I bet 80% of internet user in any world you talk about have once downloaded some warez stuff. Many of those people dont even know what is warez & weather it is illegal or not.
I'll stick to what I said - this isn't the first time I've heard this exact same argument on an Internet forum. I've seen it multiple times. It happened with Hotfile; nothing came out of it. I'll say it again, in the simplest possible way I can imagine - good luck doing what you say you'll do. Good luck getting anything out of anyone, except maybe a tiny minority. That, too, is a huge maybe.
I like how you're sucking Corbin Fisher's dick (lol) What Corbin Fisher really is doing is trying to save a dying and failing business model.

He has to sue to save himself. It's sad really.

Plus, It's probably not the smartest idea to mail them.
Seems to be doing a good job so far. Now the lawyer knows how to achieve the right results, rinse and repeat.

Mailing is the best thing initially. If the person mailed ignores it and lives in a $200,000 house that's not mortgaged to the eyeballs. Then visit or serve a writ. You do know how easy that is with the evidence Oron will hand over. Or maybe you still think like mintcold does. They have so much more.

Anyway I don't understand why so many of you are bleating about it here. You would never be one of those uploading pirated material. :facepalm:

in USA alone 60% of downloaders download pirated stuff according to a recent survey ! where they download this from ? Oron and in general filehsoting and torrents and.... ? do the math and thats over 40 Milion people just in US !! Corbin and guys like him need to spend their lifetime + hiring dozens of companies trying to trace 40+ million people thorugh IP address (that might be fake) or mail addresses (that might have fake info) !!!!!!!!! no to mention the rest of the world !! you see how impossible this is ! even if Oron sells IP address and mail and bank info nothing is gonna come out of it ! its like trying to empty the Sea into a Glass with a Spoon ! impossible after impossible !
in short to stop piracy you have to shut down the whole internet ! even after that we would go back to our old time selling DVDs underground or in streets !
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in USA alone 60% of downloaders download pirated stuff according to a recent survey ! where they download this from ? Oron and in general filehsoting and torrents and.... ? do the math and thats over 40 Milion people just in US !! Corbin and guys like him need to spend their lifetime + hiring dozens of companies trying to trace 40+ million people thorugh IP address (that might be fake) or mail addresses (that might have fake info) !!!!!!!!! no to mention the rest of the world !! you see how impossible this is ! even if Oron sells IP address and mail and bank info nothing is gonna come out of it ! its like trying to empty the Sea into a Glass with a Spoon ! impossible after impossible !
in short to stop piracy you have to shut down the whole internet ! even after that we would go back to our old time selling DVDs underground or in streets !
So how many are Gay?
How many downloaded Corbin Fisher porn from Oron?
How many have a decent job or parents and worth suing.
How many will realise their bank account details is the slam dunk and pay up?

So do the Math and what do you have 100,000 ready to step up and pay $5,000 rather than face the possibility of being dragged into court and having all their assets frozen.

Now how long will it take to trace them? Once automated and on a system that runs like a conveyor belt it's going to be easy.

This one is the best. An IP address doesn't prove nothing. A bank account does.

Now think onwards. Is the information CB will be handed to be kept confidential or can it be used by other companies? All of a sudden people trying to make a living or a few bucks off the work of others are cross filed and linked to other companies pirated content.

In the hands of a money making lawyer, this information is a gold mine. Don't forget this now goes way above an IP address and the John Doe filed suits. This is elevated to the level of affiliates earning money from piracy.

This isn't about stopping piracy 100%. Only a fool thinks a law, suing someone or a court stops anything. Murder is against the law, there are lots of people who will do their best to trace murderers and stick them in prison. Not 100%, yet doing nothing isn't going to work.

Copyright holders monetising piracy like this will make a lot of pirates wonder if it's worth the risk. Plus build a complete new level of making money. Hitting the income of file lockers, will shut down servers and leave affiliates unpaid and that's coming unless file lockers get real.

don't keep telling everyone that there are million of potential people to sue. It's got lawyers salivating. =)
So how many are Gay?
How many downloaded Corbin Fisher porn from Oron?
How many have a decent job or parents and worth suing.
How many will realise their bank account details is the slam dunk and pay up?

So do the Math and what do you have 100,000 ready to step up and pay $5,000 rather than face the possibility of being dragged into court and having all their assets frozen.

Now how long will it take to trace them? Once automated and on a system that runs like a conveyor belt it's going to be easy.

This one is the best. An IP address doesn't prove nothing. A bank account does.

Now think onwards. Is the information CB will be handed to be kept confidential or can it be used by other companies? All of a sudden people trying to make a living or a few bucks off the work of others are cross filed and linked to other companies pirated content.

In the hands of a money making lawyer, this information is a gold mine. Don't forget this now goes way above an IP address and the John Doe filed suits. This is elevated to the level of affiliates earning money from piracy.

This isn't about stopping piracy 100%. Only a fool thinks a law, suing someone or a court stops anything. Murder is against the law, there are lots of people who will do their best to trace murderers and stick them in prison. Not 100%, yet doing nothing isn't going to work.

Copyright holders monetising piracy like this will make a lot of pirates wonder if it's worth the risk. Plus build a complete new level of making money. Hitting the income of file lockers, will shut down servers and leave affiliates unpaid and that's coming unless file lockers get real.

don't keep telling everyone that there are million of potential people to sue. It's got lawyers salivating. =)

Amazing life you got there mate. Going around WJ scaring those hopeless uploaders.

If it's going to happen, it will happen, you don't have to go and reply to each and every comment saying same thing over and over again, it's waste of space and bandwidth.

New theories and news popping up every day, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear that guys behind all this "killing small file hosts" drama are actually big players (file hosts), only time will tell though.

Which leads me to another question. Why don't you go after big players? That's a logic thing to do, no? Why don't you go and accuse Rapidshare, Mediafire?

I can bet that there are ton of copyrighted files on their servers too. Is it because you know they will sue shit out of you back or simply because you're only screwing around with those small file hosts who are probably being owned by some kids who pretty much only know how to buy and install XFS script?

And to be clear here, I have never wasted my time and money on uploading so don't think I'm taking a side here, I just think it's pathetic what Fisher is doing. Gay porn? Really? :))
So how many are Gay?
How many downloaded Corbin Fisher porn from Oron?
How many have a decent job or parents and worth suing.
How many will realise their bank account details is the slam dunk and pay up?

So do the Math and what do you have 100,000 ready to step up and pay $5,000 rather than face the possibility of being dragged into court and having all their assets frozen.

Now how long will it take to trace them? Once automated and on a system that runs like a conveyor belt it's going to be easy.

This one is the best. An IP address doesn't prove nothing. A bank account does.

Now think onwards. Is the information CB will be handed to be kept confidential or can it be used by other companies? All of a sudden people trying to make a living or a few bucks off the work of others are cross filed and linked to other companies pirated content.

In the hands of a money making lawyer, this information is a gold mine. Don't forget this now goes way above an IP address and the John Doe filed suits. This is elevated to the level of affiliates earning money from piracy.

This isn't about stopping piracy 100%. Only a fool thinks a law, suing someone or a court stops anything. Murder is against the law, there are lots of people who will do their best to trace murderers and stick them in prison. Not 100%, yet doing nothing isn't going to work.

Copyright holders monetising piracy like this will make a lot of pirates wonder if it's worth the risk. Plus build a complete new level of making money. Hitting the income of file lockers, will shut down servers and leave affiliates unpaid and that's coming unless file lockers get real.

don't keep telling everyone that there are million of potential people to sue. It's got lawyers salivating. =)

Too bad all of that will be gone soon because people (and judges) are fed up with this bullshit.

The entertainment industry will just have to adapt or die;They can be easily replaced. Suing doesn't really help their cause, because all their bullying will just make people pirate and upload more.
Exactly what is making judges fed up?

Getting cases based only on IP addresses? That was yesterday, welcome to the new world.

Smith it's because people like RsFK clutching at straws. Liberty have stepped it up to a brand new level with all the info they have.

Can you explain how the Entertainment industry should adapt please? Just saying it isn't enough.
Exactly what is making judges fed up?

Getting cases based only on IP addresses? That was yesterday, welcome to the new world.

Smith it's because people like RsFK clutching at straws. Liberty have stepped it up to a brand new level with all the info they have.

Can you explain how the Entertainment industry should adapt please? Just saying it isn't enough.

Now, tell me that this is old. I'm clutching onto reality.

Liberty. I haven't seen her in a while. It seems like she died a long time.

The entertainment industry needs to adapt to our needs. If stuff is being pirated, that means that either the price of the product was too high or the consumer doesn't have any legal means of getting the product.

Piracy is a service problem.
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