uploaded wordpress themes dont show in cp!?

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Active Member
this is driving me fucking nuts here guys.
i went onto my website to find a blank white page, i narrowed it down to the fact that somehow my theme "blackpower" was bad as other 2 backup themes worked, so i deleted blackpower theme and reinstalled a fresh copy via ftp.

it uploaded fine and all files were there, but in my acp it shows blackpower is NOT THERE.

ive tried to now upload multiple other wordpress themes and none appear in my admin control panel.

ive even tried chmodding select themes to all 777 which isnt necessary i realize but that still didnt work. also, the files are NOT nested, as in, heres teh directory: public_html/wp-content/themes/lysa

the non working themes that i upload are in the same directory with the same permissions as teh working themes, im completely at a loss here.

strangely enough, im able to download and install themes if i search for themes via my acp and install them from there. but downloading other themes off the net, installing via ftp and adding via acp now no longer will work.

my site is located at www.myhotasiangirls.net.

any help is greatly GREATLY appreciated!
ive already uploaded multiple themes, theres no chance that this many themes are not compatable or corrupt. ive deleted browser cache several times, tried different browsers etc. ive made zero changes to code taht i can remember or am aware of to make my existing theme just break like this, and make all future themes break as well!

my site is at myhotasiangirls.net ....is that what u wanted to see?
like i said, its confirmed that all themes are in the proper directory, and they've been unzipped, and i even edited the permissions to all 777 for some theme files (then edited back when that didnt work)
also very strange cause the Theme i installed succesfully via my acp doesnt appear in my ftp files with my other themes when it should.....shouldnt it? what in the fuck!?!?
but thats the thing, im USING the servers control pannel ftp client, im not using a real ftp program.....im using teh one in the ftp......And no changes in make in it are reflecting in my wordpress acp.

i just deleted a working backup theme, redid my browser cache, refreshed the page and low and behold, that theme is still fucking displayed in the wordpress acp even though i just deleted all of its content! wtf is going on!?!?
the site is working fine, yes, thats not what im saying dude. im saying themes in peticular (like all of them aside from the one thats currently online)
yeah, its in the root directory but the thing i just uploaded doesnt work either.

im even using a different FTP client and its a no-go......the url shoudl be:

myhotasiangirls.net/yunowork.txt but it shows as a 404.

-> A support ticket has been submitted to my host about this issue. theirs definately something wrong here, i cant be THIS stupid, can i?
just for comparason, if u use the extension /license.txt it'll come up, but i didnt just upload that file, its always been there.
It seems you server has trouble removing / uplo0ading files. I think the best solution is to contact your host yes.
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