uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

ul.to | Sinem

File Host - Ul.to

uploaded.to is back at WJunction.com!

While we took a little break from WJunction, we had time to overthink our affiliate models and tried to address the desires of our affiliates, so I'm proud to be able to intruduce you to our new affiliate model:

Pay per Sale & Pay per Download at the same time!


You'll earn 75% of the initial purchase of your referred customers, 65% of every valid* rebill they generate.

Additionally, we implemented the Pay per Download model back into our systems.


All types of downloads are counted: Guests, Free-Account and Premium-Account Downloads
Limitation: 1 Download is counted per IP within 24h from Guests and Free-Account Users, 1 Download per Account within 24h from Premium-Account users.

You receive 1000 Points for each referred product, 10000 Points can be redeemed for a premium account which is valid for one month free of charge.

BONUS 2: You get 2 EUR gifted to your account balance once you register a free account at uploaded.to

Screenshots of our statistics overviews:



Payout requests are being processed approx. 14 days after request, payouts can be requested via Amazon EUR Vouchers, WebMoney and Bank Wire-Transfer at the moment.

So go ahead and start using uploaded - NOW!

-> uploaded.to Registration

If you have any questions or issues with your account, feel free to contact me via pm or make a post in this thread - we will try to answer asap.


You can find a declaration of our Download Counts etc. over here -> Click me!


*Valid Rebills:
If a costumer, which was referred by you, purchases a product within 7 days after expiry of his initial purchase, you'll receive 65% of the price which he paid. If he purchases a product, lets say 3 months after expiry of his initial purchase, you won't receive any revenue.
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i think you guys know uploaded.net was already sold (1 or 2 month back i think), so now new owners.
i am sure they pay some million for this, now their turn to grab million dollars from website, so they cheat our stats :(

again sold.....

maybe that was more than 6 months ago.... :) checked a little bit they changed contact details UK again.

hope new owners also keep their service at high-level and add new things to the service overall.
Thank you, guys! I am not really hurry, I just wanted to know what payment methods are they use, because I can't find any info about this. That's why I thought that finding the payment info filling page, I will find also the payment methods :)
So please somebody tell me what payment methods are available :)
Payment received webmoney xxx.xx.Requested on 6th august.Thanks UL.

These days sales are very less.The only thing stopping me from jumping to other hosts is UL's popularity.
for people whose payment channel is webmoney: the latest payments they made were on august 9 and they paid affiliates who made a payout request on or before july 25. if you requested on july 26 you were a day late and therefore have to wait until their next payment schedule which is estimated to be on august 26 or 27. that is practically one friggin' month of waiting. i said august 26 or 27 because most people were able to make a payout request only on august 12, the reason for which is because Uploaded staff did not change people's previous payout requests from "checked" to "paid" until Agust 12 although people received their money on august 9. SO IF YOU WANT TO GET PAID EVERY 14-15 DAYS, REQUEST FOR ANOTHER PAYOUT REQUEST RIGHT IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU RECEIVED YOUR PREVIOUS PAYMENT. i myself requested on july 27 too and i regret i did not make a request on july 25 because i wanted to earn a little more before asking for a payment. I HOPE PEOPLE GET THIS MESSAGE once and for all so they would stop asking why they have not received their payments even if 15 days have already passed.

Well done man, you are spot on. Unfortunately many people are still complaining when they are not receiving their payments in two weeks LOL.

I too received my payment for this schedule (WME), requested on August 1st, And right now I'm requesting another payment so I won't miss the next schedule.

About the "Cheating", do you guys really care? Your earnings are the highest with Uploaded (for me it is at least), so who cares?
Are you guys new to this business or something? I've never seen such a solid file host like uploaded, NEVER missed a payment, was Never late with a payment (!), highest rates, PPD AND PPS AT THE SAME TIME!
This Shouldn't be taken for granted!

Thanks Uploaded team.

Are they cheating or they close PPD system ? my account stop in the same number for a long time

PPD is fine as always, sometimes it takes hours to update, nothing new.
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No, we can't. But this is business, they run away, we run away to another filehost. Anyway, personally I think it would be stupid thing to do to scam us since clearly they earn tons of cash.
i also faced such problem .. one of downloads told me to appereciaate my work that he bought premium and i got nothing tat day . ya i had one affliciate added to my account but no sale there . so i asked him how he did upgraded his account . he told me via my link . i wrote to support and they tell me lolz tat none of persson bought premium via my links that day ......

u should send them the account ID of that guy who purchased from u , as a proof !
Well done man, you are spot on. Unfortunately many people are still complaining when they are not receiving their payments in two weeks LOL.

I too received my payment for this schedule (WME), requested on August 1st, And right now I'm requesting another payment so I won't miss the next schedule.

About the "Cheating", do you guys really care? Your earnings are the highest with Uploaded (for me it is at least), so who cares?
Are you guys new to this business or something? I've never seen such a solid file host like uploaded, NEVER missed a payment, was Never late with a payment (!), highest rates, PPD AND PPS AT THE SAME TIME!
This Shouldn't be taken for granted!

Thanks Uploaded team.

Are they cheating or they close PPD system ? my account stop in the same number for a long time

PPD is fine as always, sometimes it takes hours to update, nothing new.

the only thing i was wrong about was that they paid 3 days earlier this time. :D