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New way to POUCH free users to buy Premium ????

[h=4]This download server is overloaded[/h] We're sorry. There are too many free users downloading from this server at this time, please upgrade to premium to bypass this limitation
downloads too low... because this error persist.. for 1 week only errors at download.. umb it's a trusted filehosting payment weekly but support it;s very very slow at tickets no answer on wj no reply ... i work with umb for 35 weeks but if errors persists i move on another fh..
all of these problems never existed BEFORE the suppossed server upgrade, if this persists then I am gonna have to switch to another service
all of these problems never existed BEFORE the suppossed server upgrade, if this persists then I am gonna have to switch to another service

Yeah, it's been rough sledding the last couple of weeks but every host I've ever used has gone through unstable times like this. Luckily, I've got enough content already loaded to ride it out for another week, but if you're trying to upload right now things may be difficult. My download counts are doing okay (down some, but not too bad) and sales are also down just a bit, but with the holidays and all it's not easy to tell if that's from the server issues or people just not being around as much.

When free users couldn't download for 5-6 days I was about to pack it in myself and go back to one of my old hosting services, but now that's mostly fixed, I'm willing to give them a few more days. Let's hope this gets resolved and we all have a merry and profitable Christmas!
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It's monday for 10 days only errors and problems and no solve.. and now payments are delayed too, in 2 days it's christmas we can't withdraw money from our pp or wmz :-j
New way to POUCH free users to buy Premium ????

This download server is overloaded

We're sorry. There are too many free users downloading from this server at this time, please upgrade to premium to bypass this limitation
no. there are i/o disk issues with all the influx of new traffic and uploads/downloads. We have turned on the queue for 3rd world countries until the rest of our servers are delivered on thursday. When the rest of the servers are delivered, we will remove the download queue from 3rd world countries.
yes man but.. our downloads are too low... me for example from 500 dwd /day maxim 100 ... because all users have this error, and this is from 1 week..
yes but remote upload is working fine now but ftp is not working at all
all uploading is working fine. Local / Remote / FTP. We have removed the EU/NL servers, as they are the machines which are causing missing files, as the link is too slow, and unstable to correctly and safely synch all data.

We have also removed support for zoom uploader, as it seems the coder was doing malicious things with passwords, and stealing peoples payments etc. This will not be tolerated by us.

Added after 3 minutes:

downloads too low... because this error persist.. for 1 week only errors at download.. umb it's a trusted filehosting payment weekly but support it;s very very slow at tickets no answer on wj no reply ... i work with umb for 35 weeks but if errors persists i move on another fh..

apologies, but we too have our own personal lives as well, and it is a holiday season right now in USA. A season where people spend with their families. If you wish to move to another hosting, do what suits you best. Everyone thinks that it's easy to do the upgrade which we are doing? Sorry, but it's not, and we doubt many of the other hosts here have as much storage as we do, besides the really older hosts. A lot of new coding had to be done, as we are changing the way we deal with uploads, to best accommodate for growth in the future.

Added after 9 minutes:

Whats is going on ? I haven't been able to upload in 3 days now. I am trying to move all my files over to UMB but now I am starting to get worried that I am wasting my time with all these problems.

Please fix the upload problems so I can continue my work.
You guys seriously need to relax. We had some issues with a major upgrade. It happens. Get over it. We're working hard to fix all bugs during this upgrade. If you want real support, why don't you open a ticket, with some actual details of your problems? Not just "OMG upload not work! I die!" No. You need to send a ticket or PM with details, so we can investigate. Details such as your userid, upload method used, url's of files which are not working. We need real data to investigate problems, not just vague information. We are seriously contemplating closing the support thread at this forum, since it seems everyone only wants to complain, and not really ask for support, or give explanations of the problems they have. Yet when payment is 10 minutes late you have 50 people posting on how late we are on payment, but you never get anyone every saying thanks or confirming payments. I'll give this thread a few more days, and see if you guys can actually act like mature adults, and ask for support with helpful information, not just vague info expecting us to know magically what's not working for you. We have 1000's of affiliates, but yet it seems the same people only complaining here every few days.
And it's always the affiliates who bring 0 sales to the site that seem to do the most complaining.
Added after 4 minutes:

yes man but.. our downloads are too low... me for example from 500 dwd /day maxim 100 ... because all users have this error, and this is from 1 week..
we just recently fixed everything so, obviously you're going to have some lower downloads, as things were a bit unstable the past week, and we have to turn on the queue for 3rd world countries until the rest of our servers are delivered. As the free user traffic from tier 4 countries are affecting drive I/O and slowing down speed of premium users, and free users. I said this already. I don't know what else to tell you. When the rest of our servers are delivered on thursday we will remove the queue for tier 4. I'm not gonna repeat this again.
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We have also removed support for zoom uploader, as it seems the coder was doing malicious things with passwords, and stealing peoples payments etc. This will not be tolerated by us.

how yu know that ?
who told you that ?
WJ admin ?
did yu check that by your self ?
the only think sure in all this story that the guy who CRACKED zoom program MANY TIMES get his files deleted.
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