The future of the Browser - Google Packaged Apps

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Mr Happy

Active Member

Today I'm going to talk about something which rolled out quietly on Monday but got little press coverage mostly due Marissa Mayer leaving Google to become Yahoo's new CEO on the same day. Anyway the developer version of Google Chrome got an update which is not such a big deal as it happens every few weeks but one of the most interesting new features was a new type of extension or app it allows.

When people think of browser plugins they think of extensions like Add Blockers, screen capture plugins, Gmail and Facebook notifications, extensions that aid in search or bookmarking. All pretty simple and basic stuff.
A few months ago Google introduced Browser Apps which allowed stuff like Gmail and Google documents to operate offline. Games could also be played with these new apps but on Monday Google introduced something completely new - Packaged Apps.

These apps are like browser plugins that can escape and run free from the browser. They can launch directly and look and feel like regular native software, not a browser. Added to this they can run C and C+, have access to things like bluetooth, USB and other parts regular pugins don't. Google has for some time allowed extensions and tabs to run independently unlike other browsers so if one tab crashes the whole browser doesn't. This means these packaged apps which can also run in the background won't interfere with your regular computer experience.

What does this mean? Well it opens up a whole new world of potential for packaged apps. Software like Autoposters, Download and file managers, Communication apps like MSN, Skype, media players, etc could all operate through the browser but like native software does. You now just code it for Chrome as a Packaged App and it will work on Windows, Mac, LynxOS, Android, etc. It will really help Google's ChromeOS which doesn't allow you to install software. It could sync across all your devices when you sign into chrome and as it's a browser plugin it's also the way Mozilla's FireFox, Safari and Opera are going so has the potential to work on these too in the future.

While it's still really early and only in developer stage and will be a few more weeks before it hits stable release the future is promising and the possibilities are really endless for these apps.
Although this is a bit advanced and mainly browser based , but firefox does have an external app launch add on that launches your external apps right from within your browser ...

But again those apps depend on the OS as well , whereas with chromes packaged apps , the apps will no longer be OS based , but rather browser based .....

If chrome does take this to the next level and makes it stable its really going to boost up chromes market shares a lot ..
This is seriously gonna rock!

Except all the malware that you will probably find in many third party apps...
Google has modified the extension system so it makes it a lot more difficult to install extensions that aren't in the Chrome WebStore. Basically no more fly by downloads. Until now anyone could host extensions on their website. You will also have to approve and grant access to the apps just like the way you have to grant access to apps you download on the Apple App Store to stuff like your contacts, calendar, emails, etc.

Remember you can view the source code of these apps like you view the source of a webpage so you know what they do. It's not like a regular .exe file you download and have no idea what it does or has access to.
That's some great news. Now it makes sense why they introduced NaCl (Native Client) with support for C/C++ and native OS APIs a couple of months ago. I guess this is how they are going to add support for many applications in their Chrome OS. With the new desktop environment that does resemble an OS, and support for browser based C/C++ apps, Chrome OS would indeed stand a chance against other OSes. :)
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