t0asty Upload

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Love the theme, not the script. Too overused. But the quality of service is what matters :)

Good luck, Imagehosting is easy to get into but hard to get out.
Beta? What's there to 'test' and 'beta' in this? It's basically a domain, a theme, and a pre-made script. Just another Chevereto image host amongst the thousands out there.
Thats what's in beta, the script is just a start because i like the system and if i was to make one myself it would be pretty much exactly the same as chevereto so i thought why waste my effort in making one the same when i could just use that one and modify it to my needs. Such as the user integration which i forgot to mention.

It will have a gallery and a user system where you can add images to your favourites, captioning, comment system (currently live but a tempory "disqus" comment box atm), ratings, the option to email the images to users.


Those ideas are all coming, Yes i know they are crap, but they are improvements and thats why i opened this thread to see what i could impliment into the script to make it better.

And its not just a theme, i spent a long time planning and designing it. Its not something i just dragged off the internet. :L
Loved the theme... If there would be a remote upload feature that would be really good..

Im working on adding that as i type this, It will be in the footer because i dont want clutter on the main page. Thanks for the feedback. <3

Added after 52 minutes:

Just updating. Remote upload now added. (report bugs if any) :)
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