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45 days is more than enough, and if your files aren't downloaded even once in those 45 days they deserve to be deleted.

Limit free users to around 300-400KB/s.

If this idea goes through, he will need to use limitations until he gets enough users and money to expand.

Also, I don't think that the rewards should be more than 30$ per 1000 downloads.
Server Location- Russia/Ukrain/Cuba/Libya/NorthKorea/Spain
Dont use .COM/.NET/.ORG or any extension that US has control over.
Even if he offers 20$ for 1000 downloads it is still enough because all other hosts are closing.

It is an interesting idea.

Where would your servers be?
What is your domain extension?

And, as someone already said, you will need a lawyer or a very good deal with your hosting company.
hmm great idea
i guess you will definitely gain profit from this business.
the thing u need to keep in mind is

you domain must be NOT be .Com
You servers must NOT be in USA.
Server Location- Russia/Ukrain/Cuba/Libya/NorthKorea/Spain
Dont use .COM/.NET/.ORG or any extension that US has control over.

The US has control over America.
About Europe does not have.
I'm from Portugal (Europe) and that doesn't happen, that does not mean that it cannot come to happen in the future.
File hosting business is no more profitable as it used to be...On the other hand market is saturated..
1.As said by Robert420...You really need to talk with Lawyer (specially Cyber Law one)..Get know your Country Internet Law.

2.WDF made a valid point...Ad network doesn't appreciate File host..You can have adsense but most probably they will terminate account before you get cash out.

3.It's kind risky to offer Money Affiliate system ...You will be accuse for Money Laundering...However, you can have point system like RS (as suggested by user)

4.Should have enough money in spare to pay for the Server/Bandwidth.I mean, Calculate your Server monthly coast & have that amount in hand to pay at least for 6-8 months.It takes time to build business.

5.You should have a Server management team..At least 2-3 tech guy to monitor & troubleshooting.

6.Your hardware should be strong enough to handle traffic load & offer good speed.You got to beat your competitor.

If you want to give Earn affiliate system...
Make sure you have system to detect fake/fraud & proxy download or Some Scammer will rip your money off.

Opps ! I forgot to wish you.. Good Luck Buddy !
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Server Location- Russia/Ukrain/Cuba/Libya/NorthKorea/Spain

Dear god, ignore this. Servers in Ukraine, North Korea (lolwut) would be the stupidest move since people will undoubtedly be uploading porn.

He already stated no cash rewards in the first few posts

No he didn't.

The US has control over America.
About Europe does not have.
I'm from Portugal (Europe) and that doesn't happen, that does not mean that it cannot come to happen in the future.

More rubbish. There is a guy in the UK who is currently being extradited to the US for running a website called tvshack. He has no relationship with the US whatsoever. Born in England, lives in England and his servers weren't in the US either. (What he did in the UK isn't even a crime) The US are extraditing him from the UK because it was a .net domain and because he accepted ads from americans.

Please get clued up on this kind of stuff before starting and try to filter out the nonsense.
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