SharpLeech 2: Discussion and ideas topic.

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Yes this prgram kicks fucking ass
Hell its so good it should cost money. I have had it running for the last 24 hours. So far it has helped me post 8 thousand threads
Hypez, You could add like maybe a function to make it so instead of having to run multiple instances of #Leech you could just make a multi-forum poster thing I am not sure how you would do it but I am sure there is a way.

I honestly don't see any point in doing that. It would make the program and UI complexer than it needs to be and it would cost me a good deal of time. Tbh, simply starting multiple instances does the job well enough.

Yes this prgram kicks fucking ass
Hell its so good it should cost money. I have had it running for the last 24 hours. So far it has helped me post 8 thousand threads

Someone's been busy, lol. Glad you like it <3.

Just recorded a very simple video that shows the Chatbox working. Waiting for the upload to finish and for youtube to process it. I'll post it when it's done.



Apparently Camtasia (the recording tool I used) was blocking one of the programs threads every time I sarted #Leech which is why the startups were so slow. Not quite sure what exactly was causing it but without recording the program starts in a split second.
=)=)Hypez you own! And your new Chat system!!=)=)

=)=)Cant wait for new SHARPLEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)=)


=) Do you think of making a name changer for Chat? =)
In the final version when you run the program for the first time the program will ask you for a few required settings, including the nickname you'd like to use within the chatbox. You'll be able to adjust these later as well via the Advanced Options window.
when will this be ready for beta testing?

Well, it's hard to tell at this point. In a best case scenario maybe within a month. But it's probably gonna take a bit longer. Not that there's 1-month+ worth of work that needs to be done but I don't work on it every single day and not for hours at a time.

There's another factor too, namely the .NET 4.0 framework which #Leech is being built upon is itself still in a beta stage. So in any case I can't release a beta till Microsoft launches the final version. As far as I know .NET 4 is going to be released somewhere in March, if it doesn't get delayed.
<3 very good to know Hyperz make sure you hit me up if you need what i said i would do :) we could run it off a .info domain or somthing for auto updates for your own directory instead of a free domain like ****** or somthing you know
Well, it's hard to tell at this point. In a best case scenario maybe within a month. But it's probably gonna take a bit longer. Not that there's 1-month+ worth of work that needs to be done but I don't work on it every single day and not for hours at a time.

There's another factor too, namely the .NET 4.0 framework which #Leech is being built upon is itself still in a beta stage. So in any case I can't release a beta till Microsoft launches the final version. As far as I know .NET 4 is going to be released somewhere in March, if it doesn't get delayed.

Your just prefectely correct. I dont spend my everyday hours into my Leecher I take stages and sides, Maybe an hour or more I will only spend on a major bug or a major exiting function.

As for only the day after this was released I spent over 3 hours finalizing my project vid release and even now not everything is not completed.

Cant wait for #Leech Hypez, Gonna have lots chattin in the ChatBox =)
SL 2.0.0 is future locked now. Meaning I've decided what futures will be added and that won't change. That means I can now focus on putting it all together and making it work.

The global variable thing is, I think, pretty useless. All you do is:
1) restricting flexibility to predefined types of content.
2) you have to enter even more settings before you can start.

iLeech is the opposite of simplicity and user-friendliness. If the current design works out as planned (the one that would allow extensibility/plugins) instead of the Login URL and New Thread URL you'll now have to enter the Base URL and section ID.

That means going from:

0 (<- optional icon id for new topics)
wow sounds gret and glad you went in that direction. Keep us posted with screen shots, videos, ect.

Im sure if you need testing there are tons of people willing to help. :)
Hm, lets see...

- Ability to use profiles (saves accounts, URLs, and forum IDs into a profile, name it whatever)
- Ability to use a "global" variable for the forum's URL; for example in iLeech you can just use:
...then you can just select the type of content you want to post (apps, movies, games, etc.) then input the ID of the forum on the board you are posting on.

Like everyone does to me. The first suggestion would be copying me because i added that in v1, Everyone does it in my post so I am sure I can do it back giving back the same ammount of flame!

Sorry Hypez but it got done to me.
Let me get this straight, some people (rightfully) pointed out you were copy/pasting from #Leech and because of that you come to this topic to post crap? Nice logic. It's a simple fact that you based every aspect of your program on mine. I have no problems with that - at all. But by doing so don't be surprised if people criticize you for that.
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