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H! to all members of Wjunction
I am selling my SEO Service to all of you.

What i do?

I) 100 Directory Submission. (Non-Warez Only Cause More directories don't allow warez.)
II) 100 Social Bookmarking.
III) Create Pages on wordpress, facebook, (like it will give you permanent valueable link.)
IV) Site map submit Google Webmaster .
V) Meta Tag + Description
VI)VBseo Installation
VII) Link on PR1 website for 45 days.

Price for my Service.
I = $10 (Take time to give you approval links around 1-2 months)
II = $9 ( 4 days or Sunday).
III = $4 (36 hours)
IV = $01 (24 hours)
V = $02 (24 hours)
VI = $04 (48 hours)
VII = $3 (only if you buy 3 service.) (2 days.)

If you don't get any review on time i'll refund your money.

If you've any business website you can hire me for article submission service. i'll submit your article on 15-18 article website.

Those who know about my seo service please leave your comment.
Is here anything wrong please tell me.
Thanks for offering your services, however I want to ask you 1 question that will help me judge your knowledge regarding SEO (which then makes me decide whether I would hire your services and is thus completely relevant to this topic)

What is the recommended keyword density (main keyword) range on a website let's say
just to let people know submitting ur sitemap can be done in ur google account, just login then go to webmaster tool get ur site verified and then submit ur sitemap :)
Mods please delete this post if i'm out of line!!!! I usually would never do something like this but he jumped in my thread so its only fair if i do the same. Now if this guy knows SEO why does his threads keep getting closed for trying to sell common knowledge / FREE stuff?


OK lets get to the facts. This guy keeps saying ask tom247 about my work. Now lets examine tom247 website for a sec. has 13,000 pages indexed which isn't bad but here's the rub. Why has not 1 of his pages been indexed since December 7th? 6 full days and nothing! Bouncer, and u say he happy and wait for his review? Allow me to laugh.

As Michael Douglas said in the movie Wall Street "Stop telling lies about me and I'll stop telling the truth about you".
:/ you again
i see you are walking around and talking about seo as you are a master of seo but you are noob.
Anyway, my offtopic comment. :/

sorry, bye
Well, he provided me good suggestions for for Keywords.

He also insisted me to have an SE Optimized Skin for my site and I'm thankful to him.

already gives you suggestion in to WJunction CB.

:/ you again
i see you are walking around and talking about seo as you are a master of seo but you are noob.
Anyway, my offtopic comment. :/

sorry, bye

Thankyou Brother for commenting me NOOB.

Mixloads31 about Tom247 he was my second customer on wjunction.
thts y i ask him. Well Thanks to everyone i already got my Customer.
bouncer please ask my question within this topic, I didn't ask for "what keywords" I should use (since that's what you PM'ed me).

I want to tell your knowledge as mentioned in my first post, and if you are unable to provide a good answer to it then I wouldn't recommend anyone to deal with you.

Answer the question correctly within this topic ;)
lmaoooo @ Whoo, I think he is on google right now looking for the answer. Or maybe he is on wikipedia trying to find out what keyword density is.
Thanks for offering your services, however I want to ask you 1 question that will help me judge your knowledge regarding SEO (which then makes me decide whether I would hire your services and is thus completely relevant to this topic)

What is the recommended keyword density (main keyword) range on a website let's say

Since it's dynamic and your aiming to rank for download titles I would recommend not focusing on one main keyword.

You will want your website to be found on download title - several keywords.

Therefor the CRACK you cloned of will not work all that well since you are bouncing off the other keywords.

You site is more then likely to be found for crack a lot more then for others like hotfile, rapidshare, serial, download etc you name it.

There are so many things you can change to have a better performance. But the main thing to focus on is stable backlinks.

Get juice to those pages and out rank the competition. The more backlinks = the more juice = the better your download titles slash keywords rank in the search engines.

A little tip! a template = a map.. what happens when a crawler comes to your website. It will read the template as a map.

Remove all images from your website and take a look how it will be read. See if there is any logic in there.

I also recommend adding NO-FOLLOW to everything on your website except for the download mirror links and the recent searches. Those are the focus on a DDL site nothing else will get you traffic.

Since it's dynamic and your aiming to rank for download titles I would recommend not focusing on one main keyword.

You will want your website to be found on download title - several keywords.

Therefor the CRACK you cloned of will not work all that well since you are bouncing off the other keywords.

You site is more then likely to be found for crack a lot more then for others like hotfile, rapidshare, serial, download etc you name it.

There are so many things you can change to have a better performance. But the main thing to focus on is stable backlinks.

Get juice to those pages and out rank the competition. The more backlinks = the more juice = the better your download titles slash keywords rank in the search engines.

A little tip! a template = a map.. what happens when a crawler comes to your website. It will read the template as a map.

Remove all images from your website and take a look how it will be read. See if there is any logic in there.

I also recommend adding NO-FOLLOW to everything on your website except for the download mirror links and the recent searches. Those are the focus on a DDL site nothing else will get you traffic.

First of all thanks Wau, some stuff I already knew, some stuff I learned. However the main goal of my post was to "not let people" possibly waste their money on his SEO services as it's possible that he's just reselling a service that can be found cheaper elsewhere.

Before I"m hiring him I want to make sure this guy knows what he's doing, and, as mentioned above I don't want other people to get possibly fooled.
As i P.m. you i give you not to use torrent keyword. Thats mean if you are not providing torrent to your users and a visitor come to your site from search engine and not able to find any kind of torrent. Then you'll only increase your Bounce rate n the more you bounce then more traffic you loose. Also use only those keyword which u are giving in your site. Search Engine works on relevancy.
If you get more bounce on your site google make you down.
n the same for "warez" keyword.

getting 5 links from single website or 5 diff. website tht hosted on same server will not give you much value then 5 links from 5 different website hosted on diff. server

while giving your link on other website for backlinks. always use your keywords on there.
use there that keywords you want to come on top.

Few smarter people make other people fool. they says do LE with me, my site PR is 5. When we do LE with them they put our link on their website
n this links.html don't have any pr.
always try to get link from website homepage or any PR page. This give you much value.

Never use hidden text Google don't like it.
avoid fully flash website. That kind of website only look attractive to users not any search engine BOT/Crawler.
That's IT.

N i m not reseller.
And yet my question remains unanswered. Not to be a pain in the ass here, but could you simply provide a short answer to my question from the 2nd post in this topic?

This guy doesn't know shit about SEO he just uses various programs and websites for social bookmarking thats it. -_- From what I have seen from his SEO services hes getting stuff from a blackhat forum and rehashing those ideas without telling you what he does and claiming he is the shit. Ask him to let you see how he does it via teamviewer but he won't agree since he doesn't know shit.
Thanks for offering your services, however I want to ask you 1 question that will help me judge your knowledge regarding SEO (which then makes me decide whether I would hire your services and is thus completely relevant to this topic)

What is the recommended keyword density (main keyword) range on a website let's say

3-7 only.
lol but to be honest I even see bouncer in the chatbox can't answer the question "What is organic traffic?" but I forgot who asked that though..

but he maybe already search it in google.. lmao..
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