SEO question

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Active Member
Hello guys,

Maybe someone can help me.
I have a website in two versions, french and portuguese language, in two different domains.

They use same theme/layout and same content (except language)
Isn't Google punish me by duplicate content?

Or should I use any tag? Like rel="canonical" or rel="alternate" ?

Can someone help me? :)
1 comment
Hello guys,

Maybe someone can help me.
I have a website in two versions, french and portuguese language, in two different domains.

They use same theme/layout and same content (except language)
Isn't Google punish me by duplicate content?

Or should I use any tag? Like rel="canonical" or rel="alternate" ?

Can someone help me? :)

Is not a problem if the theme/layout/cms/ are the same, remember always that for Google the content is king. So if in this case you have the same content but in different languages.. this, for Google, are two different contents.

You can help the search engine by specifying the hreflang tag and make attention at the text of the content because if isn't correct or/and if you translate it using Google Translate, this can penalize you.

Last thing, if are two separated domains and you can fully manage it, make attention to many details ( h tags, meta description, favicon, cdn, rel nowfollow, site speed and many more ) and you will not have any problem.

Greevid Support Team
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