Selling [SEO-Google] Google Penalization Resolution Center

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Google Penalization Resolution Center

Ever Experiencing Such Reports




Can You Save Yourself From Panda?

Google Penalization is a process adopted by Google itself to de-optimize your site. Its a SEO Way-Back Machine which takes your site to its preliminary stage from where it was taken by Google.


  • If Page Rank Drops.
  • If "link:yoursite.tld" returns less number of links than before.
  • If "site:yoursiteurl.tld" returns less number of listed URL than before.
  • If "yoursiteurl" (without .com etc.) search doesn't return your homepage URL on #1 place.

There are lots more steps can be taken to check the phase of Google Penalization. There are also different type of penalization imposed by Google on any site.
You can also contact me for detailed Penalization Testing.


There are different reasons for penalization and it can be obtained only after proper penalization Testing only for any specific site. But some of them are:

  • Over Optimization
  • Improper SEO
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Keyword Spamming
  • Improper Link Building
  • Link Farming
  • Link Trading
  • Improper placement of Inbound Link
  • Cross Linking(*)
  • Non-unique Contents
  • Hidden Links
  • Cloned sites or Domain Aliases
  • Improper Page Redirection
  • Penalized Site Linking

(*) Cross Linking: If you really like to remove Cross Linking, lets have detailed discussion over it.


If your SEO Consultant is using Above Techniques and your site is not yet Penalized by Google.Then,


Stop Right Now,it may be Penalized in next update (in 2-3 months, Panda will re-update itself.)

Stop all link building, link farming and SEO everything now. Let me have fully analyze whats should affect your site and whats not!


Alas! Its happened.
Okie don't afraid. I am here to reverse the process. :)

One Site Penalization Recovery : 400$
First 3 Review Copies @ 50% Discount
Next 3 Copies at 100$ OFF
Payment Processor: PayPal


Recovery Time Period: 45 days
Time revised from 3 months to 45 days just to show that we are legit. But will take only 3 orders at a time, so that I can meet the deadline.

PM me or MSN me
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Pfftttt $400 - 3 months xD ( 90 days so you cannot create a paypal dispute lol )

Just go to google webmasters account - fix the errors ( malware etc...) , then use the Site reconsideration tool

Takes around 1-2 weeks and the site is back in SE ( in most cases ) - personally tested and also did it for a friend's site
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Pfftttt $400 - 3 months xD ( 90 days so you cannot create a paypal dispute lol )

It cant be done through ScrapeBox or some SeNuke or whatever.... else I will take 1-2 days to complete the JOB. LOL!
Black Hateres are always in hurry! :facepalm:

Just go to google webmasters account - fix the errors ( malware etc...) , then use the Site reconsideration tool

Takes around one week and the site is back in SE - personally tested and also did it for a friend's site
WOW Man! Thanks for the Info. I am really amazed. :D LOL!
Btw, nothing else need to do right???
No Nothing else is required - i personally tried it on 2 sites that had been penalized

The reasons for the penaliaztions will already be listed in the webmaster's account , doesn't need $400 or a ''Seo expert'' to fix in most cases

btw in 3 months its most likely google will recheck the site by iteself and reinsert it if the errors had been corrected -

Anyway maybe you would like to share some of your techniques - let's see what Mr.Happy - ( REAL Seo Expert ) has to say about it ;)
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Well you have nothing to do if your site has been penalized except using reconsideration form in google webmaster tools.

Although you could offer services like; advices on how to avoid google penalization... Good luck.
Hello Guys, I have changed the Project completion time so that you all can see that we are legit, but with 45 days time we can work only upon 3 orders at a time to meet the deadline. Hope you will co-operate.

Charles Logan
How can you be selling something that can't be measured exactly, something that isn't tangible?

People that are selling backlinks etc, they provide a report that allows you to checker whether they actually delivered the service that you ordered.

What can you give of guarantee that YOUR actions actually made the site recover? Also what do you mean with "One Site Penalization Recovery", does this mean that if my 40.000 uniques/day website went down to 20.000 uniques/day isn't having 40.000 uniques/day again after you have completed the "recovery" you failed?

If this is allowed Ill start selling a service called "Decrease the traffic of your competitor, time frame 45 days". People can't measure it properly anyways...
How can you be selling something that can't be measured exactly, something that isn't tangible?

People that are selling backlinks etc, they provide a report that allows you to checker whether they actually delivered the service that you ordered.

What can you give of guarantee that YOUR actions actually made the site recover? Also what do you mean with "One Site Penalization Recovery", does this mean that if my 40.000 uniques/day website went down to 20.000 uniques/day isn't having 40.000 uniques/day again after you have completed the "recovery" you failed?

If this is allowed Ill start selling a service called "Decrease the traffic of your competitor, time frame 45 days". People can't measure it properly anyways...

Well Whoo, it is quite amazing that a person like you asked like this. Anyway, for measuring parameters, below snap will help you to get the answer.


Let me know one thing, is it really easy to measure the ROI on price-product relationship for any kinda service...???
Can you measure the stage of seo??
Tell me what should be the price of SEO like Facebook and Like WJ...??
Both sites are optized, but there is some difference in the level. Can you measure that level in some units.....??? LOL!

So bro, some services can't be measured. You have to rely upon. Reports will describe the stats.... thats all.

And if you wanna open a thread like "dcreasing the traffic of ......." LOL! Best of Luck!
Well, I hired him some days ago. Actually when i put on google "Mafiablog" then this site came up


He told me that there is a penalty on my Domain. Means Domain Based Penalization. So he removed it and after some days i saw that when i search now on google "Mafiablog" then this result shows


I don't know what he did but i know one that that my Traffic has been improved now. One more thing, I know SEO too (Not Perfect) but i know some basics things etc but this guy knows a real thing. He is very experienced and very knowledgeable Person. So i must say, those who are interested, just give him a Test Drive.

He will not let you down.

Thank you!
Arthur, your domain ( was never penalized before and I'm positive about that. It always shows up as the first result.

Logan; I have a penalized domain, I did remove everything that breaks Google guidelines and submitted so called reconsideration. Usually it takes upto 3-4 weeks to get an answer.

Would you be able to do anything else?
Well Hatem I know my domain very well :) I am talking about of those days when you were not in my MSN list. At that time it did not come first :)
@Arthur: Thanks for the reply and our job appriciation.

@Hatem: Well hatem, as you have done something on your site from your end, let it be finish. If you want us to work upon, get your result first, so that you can differentiate the result summary.
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