Selling Selling High traffic gaming site with over 12 million pageview/month

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Active Member
Hi, I am selling my high traffic warez/gaming site. This website has been active for about 4 years and have a lot of traffic. This is a pretty big website with alexa ranking in the 20,000 range. I am only selling the domain name. It would be a great fit for a person who had built a gaming site. I am also including another game related domain with the sale so you can build on top of it. If build correctly, the new domain could become a very popular site.

I am asking for fair price on the domain. Please PM me only if you are serious about buying the website.

Here are some key statistics for the website:

*45,000 (45K) -70,000 (70K) daily visitors:O
*1,500,000 -1,700,000 visitors per month:O
*12,500,000 -14,000,000 page-views per months

This is not a scam, it is the real. If you want proof or more information, just PM me, and I can show you.
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Trust me you won't get any buyer unless you include full description, you didn't even mention the domain. Is it secret? :P
Yes, the domain is a secret for now. I do not want to publicize the URL for sale, and I only want to sell to those that are interested in buying.
Well for people to be interested in buying, you need to tell them what site it is. You also need to publicly post proof that you own the domain and site.
I have all the proofs online and ready to send to interested buyers, publicly showing the site URL will cause too many useless PMs and fill my mail box up and waste mail box space on potential interested buyers.
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i think wj should seriously forbid this kind of pm selling... with almost no info at as far as i know this can be scam so why just not make rules about this?
a few user already got the proof information and they are serious bidders for the site. They are offering around $15K to $50K for the domain name and $50K for the entire site because I showed my revenue earnings and all the proofs they needed to show that I am the site's owner. The current highest bidder is only offering 3 to 5 months of revenue of the site so you can guess how much the site generates in terms of revenue. I am only letting the site go because my family needed money..

If a deal that comes through we will use for Escrow to make sure everything will go through with proper procedure for the sale so there is not worry about scam here. The auction will end by September 30th to the highest bidder.

The site is still live and have over 50K visitors everyday, and the reason I do not want to give out the web statics and earnings in public is being of trade secrets and not give out too much information on the website.
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*45,000 (45K) -70,000 (70K) daily visitors:O
*1,500,000 -1,700,000 visitors per month:O

45K = 1350000 monthly
70K = 2100000 monthly

but then your monthly says 1mill-1.7mill, so that doesn't add up.
You have 56K daily max with the stats monthly you provided.
this is good... but i say one thing don't do it.. if you are using vb.. if you do this you will end up with DB Error... or if you are using Shared Host then your host will ban you.
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