VPS ScopeHosts.Com - VPS Service 1Gbps From 23.99$/mo (Netherlands, Germany)

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I ordered windows VPS . Waiting for VPS . Please tell me when I will get

Still no report till now - 11:20 PM IST

Added after 12 Hours 48 minutes:

Bro I am waiting eagerly for ur response
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All the orders have been processed and Launching the Windows 1Gbps Unmetered Netherlands VPS Services in next 2-3 Days .

ScopeHosts Completes 3 Years Of Quality Services. We very thankful to all our potential clients of WJUNCTION.

Next Week We will be launching a new website design with all latest upgradation in services and implementation of 2 new departments which will cover the clients technical & Sales queries.

Best Regards,
Siddesh H
Managing Director
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
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They say they have 99.9% but it is a lie in my opinion! its more like 100%! :). I have never had any problems with scope hosts.. the speeds and price IS JUST AMAZING!... The live support is great and friendly also... If you own a website or apps... USE SCOPE HOST!

This is to assure all our clients that we had to postponed our 3rd anniversary discounts to 8th Dec 2011.

As our developers had discovered the main bug( with high severity,) in the WHMCS Billing System . We reported WHMCS Developing team Staff Matt regarding the issue and immediately a security patch was released on 1st Dec 2011.

All clients need not panic as our developing team is monitoring whole billing and client support system for next 24/7 .

WHMCS developers are closely monitoring for any new bugs to be found or not in new release .

As i precautionary measures we do ask all the unmanaged vps services clients to take their daily backup.

Best Regards,
Siddesh H
Managing Director
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Thank you for the prior notice regarding this . I will be daily taking backup of my websites remotely . Congratz on the 3rd anniversary of scopehosts. This is the only company to be providing constant quality service in WJ since 3 years . I personally vouch these guys
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