Review: ChicksPoint [NSFW]

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What did you do to it to make it unique or memorable? It looks boring and noobish. And for the love of all things good...please stop using Blogspot people!!! Spend a day learning how to set up wordpress and save your money till you have $3 for some shared hosting.
^ thanks honey i bought this domain months ago.. so i thought why not have some little fun so i go with blogspot.. but your points are valid.. totally agreed/

Added after 58 minutes:

new style added hope u guys like it
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I love it. Great start so far!

The choice of women on the mainpage is A+, beautiful.
No advertisements ANYWHERE A++. Great decision there, you can make money down the road as the site grows!

You need to get the drop down menu's filled with your categories.
Upgrade your header image.

Add more content to the left sidebar as it's pretty blank when you scroll down. You should fill your site with content, the more content, the more things your visitors have to do. A good site to look at is a site I co-founded here: , currently ran by my friend Opie. He fills his site to the fullest, with a bunch of EN/AO related type stuff you might remember from 56k, but it does the JOB!

Keep up the good work! Best review I've left anyone today!
this aint porn blog well it does have porn pictures but blogger allows porn stuff i have seen blogs on porn pictures & they are still alive ...... similar like me

well it just for fun though :)
Most porn blogs on blogger last a max of 6 month I could get any blogger blog shut down in 3 days just by flagging it they do not review any of the flaggings they just delete these blogs
^^ why not just make me new one

thanks To0 really appreciate it

You're welcome.

Something else too, add more pictures more frequently. You only add a few images when you update. There should be pages upon pages of content, you so far only have maybe 40 images available.

Good luck!
Needs a lot of work.

Design is plain boring.

I would suggest investing some money and hiring a programmer to design a professional template.

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