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Very Simple Maths:

No Uploaders = No Downloaders

No Downloaders = No Rapidshare

Damn ! I'm feeling good with their decision....... RIP Rapidshare
sory my english not good,so little confused about this

are from 29 June We can use per day base ?
e.g : I have 600 Rapids so I can use it when 30June Rapid Small and turned off when 1 Juli and turned on again Rapid Small when I needed e.g when 5 Juli ? and so my Rapids not reduced when I turned off Rapid Small ?

can someone clear about this ?

thank in advance
well i am not going to waste my time reading all that crap what i can get an unlimited download account from every other filehost out there
I didn't understand anything about that!!

wwtf are they tryin to say???

I extended my account for 1 year

will I lose anything??
^ no you will get like 7300 rapids. I think rapids costs every 1 GB. I am not sure.

You can also use the rapids to use secured uploads >.<
Who ever will pay to store the files by paying for it and get nothing in return........I think all kind of uploaders [paid,free] are gonna be in trouble.......

At least they have to provide some free space to store the files.......GTFO rapidshare
If my Secured storage is 200GB.

What if one of the file is gets a copyright complaint will dey remove it (day have to)??? or it means Dey will not delete files with inactivity upto 200gb ??? which actually means u can upload UL on RS ..

plz correct me..or mayb i m right 8-)
wtf are they playing at now! Man this shit is seriously confusing!

KD guys are going to have to do something about this now this is just beyond a joke now with RS.

RS will charge to store file - A big Shit.
But tell onething will they delete file if anyone don't want to pay.
Very bad news for Big Rs collector(have so much points in his account).
Time to Move -,
No Use of Rapidshare = No RS points
No RS Points = No Cheap Account
No Cheap Account = No RS converting upload to HF or FF
No HF or FF == Winner is Rapidshare.

Rapidshare was first in the race now he decide to beat all.
looks like there making it very expensive for uploader to use.

by the look of it, it would cost me over 2euro a day to keep my files.
I was discussion this @wbb with oder ppl

a few more questions

1.What features will a free account have??
2.Will uploaders get "rapids" instead of points?

also we can upload UL on RS no need to pay for storage..:P (not sure though :|)

just wait for a nxt update..(yn)
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