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  1. M

    Anyone's Hotfile account working fine?

    Yesterday my acc suspended after get received 1 abuse email dmca, 40 minutes after I get email abuse deleted filed from hotfile, I get email hotfile : Account Termination So maybe it automatic suspended after get email abuse dmca? so I think if you get email abuse dmca from hotfile even only...
  2. M

    Other Remote Desktop USA Location 100GB, 200GB Slots | 2Gbps Unlimited BW |

    Just pay for custom order,waiting for RDA login detail. thank
  3. M

    Request Sharingmatrix upload plugin

    Hello,anyone have working SharingMatrix upload plugin for member for rapidleech ? Please to share in this ,I need it, because sometime when remote upload very slow almost 1 hour only remote upload1 file.. thank in advance
  4. M


    sory my english not good,so little confused about this are from 29 June We can use per day base ? e.g : I have 600 Rapids so I can use it when 30June Rapid Small and turned off when 1 Juli and turned on again Rapid Small when I needed e.g when 5 Juli ? and so my Rapids not reduced when I...
  5. M

    Free Rapidshare Accounts

    I am in :)
  6. M

    RapidPoints and RapidDonations to be discontinued

    Currently have around 400K point :O how to do with this point,sell all before 6 Juli,but its hard I think not really easy to sell this all for only 17 day left ? I really disappointed with RS after discontinue referrer program,and reward and now rapid point also ?? Because of it I decided...