Possible to make payments by debit card in paypal ?

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Active Member
I questioned them the same and they replied -

Yes, you can send payments by attaching a credit card into your account.
Also, you could certainly attach an International Debit Card into your
account as long as it has a Visa or a MasterCard logo.

But most of the users I asked in WJ says its not possible ?
I am talking about INDIA
They have given you a very clear cut answer. Your debit card needs to be an "International Debit Card", not a domestic debit card which cannot be used for online transactions.
So it means that Indians can send payment via paypal by their IDC, right ?

Did anyone of you actually have tried that ?
Does it have a VISA logo on it? If yes, then you can do payments online. If not, probably not, but it's always worth trying ;)
I know you are referring to India but in Australia I attached a normal debit card to my paypal and made payments with that until I got a Visa debit. So it can be done but in India I don't know...
I got a paypal debit/credit card from paypal itself. I signed up for their program and they sent me one. I can use it at atm's order online send money to people pretty much whatever I want.
Does it have a VISA logo on it? If yes, then you can do payments online. If not, probably not, but it's always worth trying ;)

Correct. You gotta have a logo of VISA on it if you wanna make any international payment online. Btw,I prefer paypal to make any payment online to protect my personal info.
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