Shared | Offshore Plans

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The guys at Plutost are fair and even when they do occasionally run into server problems they are honest about it. There have been a lot of hit and run web hosts who advertised here and they have been full of big promises and then just take peoples money and run. My site got hacked twice before and the guys at Plutost went out of their way to help me and get things up and running again, even though it wasn't even their fault.

Will you ever return my amount??
I chose them but was satisfied with their service and hence i asked for a return as per their 7 days money back guarantee.
I was told that you will be given 100 return but more than a week has evolved and now he doesnt even reply..
Wht is the matter? Are they loyal?
Hi ... They Might be facing some issues .. All Hosting Companies do face this issues ... Just keep faith in them .... For sure they might come with some good solution....

Thank you,

ScopeHosts™ - SarkarRaj(Aryan)
Sales - Technical Support - Co-Founder
They have no security. The guys over at still have the server hacked. I wouldn't host with them. When they were hacked the first time a month ago and were down for 2 weeks. Multiple shells were uploaded and as I heard there are still a few of them left on Plutost servers. Thats my warning to you. Watch out as your data and info could be monitored by people you dont want having it.
They have no security. The guys over at still have the server hacked. I wouldn't host with them. When they were hacked the first time a month ago and were down for 2 weeks. Multiple shells were uploaded and as I heard there are still a few of them left on Plutost servers. Thats my warning to you. Watch out as your data and info could be monitored by people you dont want having it.

How did you get this info?
The guys at Plutost are fair and even when they do occasionally run into server problems they are honest about it. There have been a lot of hit and run web hosts who advertised here and they have been full of big promises and then just take peoples money and run. My site got hacked twice before and the guys at Plutost went out of their way to help me and get things up and running again, even though it wasn't even their fault.

Your site got hacked twice here??
I got the information for the ones who hacked you. It was posted on the hackers home page for weeks. I made a post about it when you guys where hacked last time. i m sure its floating around wj still.
shit i faced a downtime of 8 days and now when the servers are on therez the datacenter problem since 4 days

and also i got some malware uploaded on my site, and google banned me from search engines. i m in big trouble now. i would have to start afresh when our site is back
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