- Daily Automatic Payments - $0.50 Minimum - Up to $3.50 / 1,000 Views

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Yeah I'm just trying to sort out the bot traffic, it's just a joke at this point - 1M + image views with $5 in exoclick.

I paid you Matrix4u, but I do not think that traffic is legitimate.

I will do manual payments until the bot situation is sorted out. Still will be daily payments.

Dear admin, my username is bianca, please tell me why my payment rejected? I post image on adult forum... is that againts the rule?

I just earn $8 in 4 days, and now you rejected my payment :(

Your traffic is 90% direct and, so yeah, not paying for bot traffic, sorry.

Waiting for payment :(

You are paid now, but I'm not paying for popunder traffic again, so please stop sending it. It does not bring any ad revenue in at all.
dont let bot traffic and suspious traffic ruin a money earning site for everyone.
if you are not comfortable with the traffic, and it is not a definate postive for the site, delete and ban it.

there will be many many honest, legit users to pick up the slack and keep it profitable for everyone
Your traffic does not seem legitimate, I paid last time, I'll pay this time as well, but please don't send any more of it.

If a user's traffic does not seem legitimate, why don't you ask him to send you information about his traffic sources?
Than you can check if traffic is legitimate or not.
If he do not send you any information... you do not pay for him, because the traffic is likely not legitimate.
Most of the image hosts do that.
If you pay for every suspicious traffic, than your site will break down very soon...
hi zakky, can you make image files more easy to use,. i mean add thumbnail and code for forum in "my files" so we dont have to click the link... pls added ok :)
sometimes the "Generating links" freezes and dont give any links, not the first time i have seen this in an img host.

Also tier one is only $1 per 1,000 for me not $3. Is this a error or something?

Views Earnings
Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Tier4 Total
6 0 0 0 $0.004
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sometimes the "Generating links" freezes and dont give any links, not the first time i have seen this in an img host.

Also tier one is only $1 per 1,000 for me not $3. Is this a error or something?

Views Earnings
Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Tier4 Total
6 0 0 0 $0.004

I do not know why the generating links issue is happening. Will ask sibsoft to sort it out.

You have to check the "adult" box to get the "adult" earnings. If that doesn't fix the rates, please let me know.
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