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conn0r pr0'

AdClick Exchange will be opening in less than a month. I have been speaking to lots of people about advertising their product on my website (100+) and affiliates etc. I am expecting a large community so I will need a good team to help manage all parts of the community & forum. It will be a large community.

This is going to be a website where other people can sell their SEO services and other types of Internet Marketing and where webmasters can exchange clicks on their advertisements and views on their sites to earn the most money from their website. At first it will be only be a forum until it is developed further into a website aswell. There will be various places people can advertise their websites and find partners to do work with them and sell their methods or hand out free methods to earn money on the internet and from their website.

This website is going to be running for as long as possible.

The roles are as follows:

Support Assistant (2)
Super Moderator (2)
General Moderator (5)
Advertisements Manager (1)
Advertisers (3)
GFX Staff (3)
Middlemen (2)

At first, until the community kicks off you will not be paid. Once the community is up and running fully with active members you will all be paid a percentage of the earnings of the forum (Adsense, Affiliates, Advertisers, Donations, Subscriptions, etc). The website opens on the 30th of this month, you must be able to work to the best of your ability or you will be fired.

If you are interested in any of these positions you must send an email to:

Your email subject should be in this format:

Application for *insert role here*

Your email must include all of these things:

Languages spoken (must speak fluent english)
Timezone from GMT (GMT +2 etc)
How much time you can dedicate to the community
Why I should employ you
A little bit about yourself

(doesn't matter about the rest)


I hope to hear from you all soon, good luck!

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is this gonna be something that will actually pay their customers, or dip and leave?

i would really would like to know this.
is this gonna be something that will actually pay their customers, or dip and leave?

i would really would like to know this.

This is going to be a website where other people can sell their SEO services and other types of Internet Marketing and where webmasters can exchange clicks on their advertisements and views on their sites to earn the most money from their website. At first it will be only be a forum until it is developed further into a website aswell. There will be various places people can advertise their websites and find partners to do work with them and sell their methods or hand out free methods to earn money on the internet and from their website.

This website is going to be running for as long as possible.

Added after 1 57 minutes:

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This is going to be a website where other people can sell their SEO services and other types of Internet Marketing and where webmasters can exchange clicks on their advertisements and views on their sites to earn the most money from their website. At first it will be only be a forum until it is developed further into a website aswell. There will be various places people can advertise their websites and find partners to do work with them and sell their methods or hand out free methods to earn money on the internet and from their website.

This website is going to be running for as long as possible.

Added after 1 57 minutes:

You mean a website like DP?
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