Oron Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Oron here.

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I just got reply , that

we define earlier all things, you have to wait till we check account throughly which may take few days.

If you are new user you can contact support to get extra bonus pack. ( I don't what is this but i am not new to them )

Just waiting for now .....
I Spoke with russian support in ICQ , he told me this :

Alex Poster 15:16
Здравствуйте , вы моглиб реактивировать мой аккоунт у меня только любительское порно , никаких копирайгтов , просто я шяс теряю трафик на с воем вебсайте
Nick : alexposterone

ORON Support 15:20
На данный момент все проф аккаунты на Ороне проходят ежегодую проверку. По результатам проверки будет вынесенно решение соответствует ли аккаунт нашим условиям в индивидуальном порядке.
Данная проверка может повлечь за собой некоторые задержки а так же невозможность доступа к статистике. Если ваш аккаунт прошел проверку то доступ к статистике будет вознобновлен. Статистика продолжает учитываться во время проверки.

Просто ожидайте решения, мы с вами свяжемся.

Alex Poster 15:22
так я теряю свой траффик на сайте , я в ето денги вложыл , у меня токо любительское порно , никаких поритайтов..
можно мой акк проверить ? он чист

Alex Poster 15:30
сколько надо ждать ?

ORON Support 15:31
тысячи мастеров
каждый акк проверяется

Alex Poster 15:37
люди всеравно могут покупать примаки и скачивають ? пока идет проверка ?

Alex Poster 15:38
вы проверяете тех кто к вам пишыт здесь в суппорт первыми ?

ORON Support 15:38
Я не проверяю

ORON Support 15:39
Этим занимается админ и менеджеры

Alex Poster 15:40
люди всеравно могут покупать примаки и скачивають пока идет проверка ?

ORON Support 15:40

Alex Poster 15:43
ну так что мне зделать прислать емаил ? у меня токо любительский контент на сайте .. токо как 2 недели открыл и продал пару примаков уже ..

Alex Poster 15:51
просто у меня есть сайт свой я 100 % чист , проверьте меня быстро там токо 40 файлов . гарантию , никаких варез токо любительський адулт материал

ORON Support 15:56
Я не провожу проверки

ORON Support 15:57
Этим занимается администрация

Alex Poster 15:57
ну а вы моглиб связатса с ней ?

Alex Poster 15:58
я понял что можно продолжать роботать .. но я хотел бы быть уверен что не зря трачю силы и деньги

ORON Support è offline

well , translation is (in poor words ) :

at the moment all Profesional accounts in Oron are passing an annual inspection. After the inspection we will do an verdict about each single account . Your Stats will be count while inspecting ..

So no problem for me , im webmaster and i have amateur adult content , no warez
If they will open my stats aill tell ya here
Because of idiots started throwing warez at Oron, for the porn that you could before they will be accept oron your account for affilate.
Just like he should also do other filehost, does not close affilate but only live affilate for approved content. So that was better for all, no spamers and No prohibited content :)
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at the moment all Profesional accounts in Oron are passing an annual inspection. After the inspection we will do an verdict about each single account . Your Stats will be count while inspecting ..

So no problem for me , im webmaster and i have amateur adult content , no warez
If they will open my stats aill tell ya here

"annual inspection"?
They are probably just stalling.

And what is this supposed "annual inspection" anyway?
Nowhere in the TOS says they will do an "annual inspection" of accounts.

No one would upload @ Oron if they knew how easy it is to lose all files.

Oron = Scam + closing down like the rest.

Dont bother.....
Any host which stops paying for re-bills - based on rebills/new sales ratio - because they can - and any host which create fake "annual revisions" is a scam.

No one would upload @Oron if they knew rebills could be stopped and/or the "annual revision" could disable their earnings. Oron just makes up new things all the time to stop paying.

If you have been payed lately and/or been payed for re-bills, then its great.
But for those people who is a 'victim' of their constant changing terms, its not so great.

And you could be next!
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One has to change according to the time and situation. Reviewing is not a a crime, thousands uploaded to em, and they are reviewing who r legit. If u want them to allow everything like many closed sites did earlier, they must have died by this time.
oron just give you false hope, they won't let you earn if you earn from copyrighted materials, so get over it and stop crying

btw. oron uploaders are weird guys anyway (just my 2cents)

"oron is the best, bla bla" "don't you insult oron, gtfo, blablabla" .... this is what I hear from them everyday

how about today? are they still the best?
Oron is still the best. Today and yesterday I earn $55 combine.

yea, they are fair if you generate enough sales for them, otherwise they treat you like shit (my personal experience)
I read a number of posts on other sites of uploaders posting programs, regular movies (not Adult), and music on Oron and knew this was coming.

Uploaders created this with their greed.
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