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Active Member


OnlyWarez has been completely revamped. Now delivering a new theme, customized graphics and higher speeds. Please have a look and be sure to tell us what you think. OnlyWarez is under constant innovation and we appreciate being notified of bugs as well as ideas to further improve OnlyWarez.
We value our team members and know the work that goes behind uploading. We've all been there. That is why we are very pleased to submit our uploads to Katz under a 5* ranking. That means your uploads will receive countless views translating into a sharp increasing in your earnings. What do I mean? More $$$!

Do you want to increase your earnings and spread your reputation? Become an uploader with OnlyWarez! Just send Dream, Zero or MrSandvik a PM on OnlyWarez with the following criteria filled in.

  • Name
  • Age
  • AIM or MSN Contact
  • File Hosts (RS/MU is a must)
  • What do you usually upload? (Apps, Games, Movies, etc.)
  • Estimate Uploads per Day
  • 5 Example Uploads (Thread links)
Super & Forum Moderator
OnlyWarez is not possible with out Super & Forum Moderators to assist in running the community, maintaining the board as well as assisting community members in the need of help. Super & Forum Moderators have the ability to do just that. Perk wise, they will receive access to our Premium section as well as an Executive Lounge for the Staff and Administrative team alike.

Interested in helping run OnlyWarez; having the ability to maintain the board, assist community members, have your upload submitted to Katz and obtain countless perks? Then please apply by sending Dream, Zero or MrSandvik at OnlyWarez via PM.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Moderating Experience
  • Special Talents (Coder, Designer, etc.)
  • Are you an uploader?
  • 5 Example Uploads (If an uploader)
Official Re-Launch Statement:

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Thank you guys.

Also, please do not PM us here at WJ, PM us at OW if you want to apply for any off the open positions. PM's here will be ignored.
I just get the Index of/ page, when trying to navigate to the site. :|

EDIT: Screenshot added

there are still some bugs, but we're working hard to resolve them and if they have any bugs that they may find around the forums, please notify the admins on the forums.
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