Online Post Generator - JavaScript Based.

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Active Member
This online post generator is based up on java script.



Demo Link :


Kindly change the page & images of your wish.
Haveing a look at it!

Please Remove those Buttons or atlest the site name for best from it for best use!


Working guys..!
i have tested a simple thread and here is the output



kdhg oeghop kohgrheg ohrioejhg oijherg oejhg hfklbg phrtgot g;hgerhg ghreopgh 

[quote]rthrn yrt h wertg [/quote][img]Notes Img Url[/img]

rt g 5fdbfgh th hrg fddfghtry sdrgf erwwe  gfhdrg  ret ehtrh thwg 








Post Generated by WarezXL Post Generator

Did you code it at least 5 years ago?

And hate to break the news but viper is ace as far as I know :(

No Viper and ACE are completely different guys. Viper, Myself and ACE used to run The Viper Files a few years ago before WJunction even started. Now it's just Viper.

Anyway that script is so old I can't remember it's source. We had another admin that was crazy about rules. I remember him adding that crap about hot linking images. The original javascript was done a number of years ago by a guy called Sandeep Gangadharan who's site is

That's todays history lesson but don't worry. It's not going to be on any exams :P
No Viper and ACE are completely different guys. Viper, Myself and ACE used to run The Viper Files a few years ago before WJunction even started. Now it's just Viper.

Anyway that script is so old I can't remember it's source. We had another admin that was crazy about rules. I remember him adding that crap about hot linking images. The original javascript was done a number of years ago by a guy called Sandeep Gangadharan who's site is

That's todays history lesson but don't worry. It's not going to be on any exams :P

Oh sorry, I knew Ace had a separate name on TVF and always thought it was viper. As for the original source, yes that was him, it is really old.

Anyways looking forward to the exam if you change the your mind :P
Mr Happy nice that you viewed the source of the script at TVF. But that guys code was only the slide down, not the entire page, I only added it to reduce the height of the page.

Ace is Viper Snipes or Mac ?
I'm not sure about the script. It's really old and has being modified a lot throughout the years.

ACE is just ACE

ViperSnipes is a friend of Viper and lived close to him. They started TheViperFiles. Dr Mac joined and helped them run the site as he knew about servers and stuff. Myself and ACE then joined and started helping but all left then later after Dr Mac messed up and the DB was corupt and had to pretty much restart. ViperSnipes was the guy that was keylogged and that ended up with the DB being released which loads of people here have a copy of. He left after shortly after that.

So Viper who was one of the founders of the site is the only current admin left.

This has gone way way off topic but anyway.
No Viper and ACE are completely different guys. Viper, Myself and ACE used to run The Viper Files a few years ago before WJunction even started. Now it's just Viper.

Wish I was. My nigga Viper3773 is making bank. :P
Wish I was. My nigga Viper3773 is making bank. :P

Ya TheViperFiles was by far one of the most profitable warez sites I've ever seen. No idea how much it makes now but it used to make thousands and did it all without DDL's too. It was only after the DB was corrupt that it started using DDL's to try and regain traffic as it lost all it's indexed posts in Google.
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