[official] Netload.in Thread

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I cant conect in ftp server :(
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
i check 2 times but dont work;;;
bullshit nothing working here
users can't download, upload it's fucking bullshit, they only want take money from users and fuck everything.
People say "we can't download!" NETLOAD SAY "fuck it!"
People say "we can't upload" NETLOAD say "fuck it"
People say " we want changes" NETLOAD SAY "screw you we've got your money"
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I am the uploader but i will not upload anything to netload or promote netload in my forum until they pay me via webmoney ( 60.44$ they still owe me from 10 th jan 2012 )
The file is PERFECTLY uploaded.
This is the problem that has netload now on SEVERAL files.
They have to fix is one time for ever. Users are already scared about this problem. They are not able to finish a release.

This ER_DLM problem must be PRIORITY ONE for Netload's solutions, if they really want to grove.

ER_DLM is meant HDD maintenance mode
ER_HDC is meant HDD crashed
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