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anyone got any sale after their cookie fix ? i think they are ripping off sales or still not counting...

i got sales. but a lot of my downloaders complain about free speed.

i think ridiculous free speed somehow decrease sales, if they offer 100+ KB/s for free users, then i think i can get more sales.

100-150 KB/s free speed is just fine, and 10 minutes waiting between downloads.

remember the old days when we were using filesonic, free speed is quite good, 200 KB/s-400 KB/s,and people were still getting good sales.

so making such ridiculous free speed isn't really the way to increase sales.

I tried to RU several .rar files without password to this host and when upload is complete I receive an error message telling me my file is blacklisted. It's my own files that I made alone and are not available anywhere else so they can't be blacklisted cos no one ever saw them? What is wrong?

yeah, i have the same problem, they blacklisted every single mkv file that i upload, they are encoded by me, 100% unique.

while i make them rar files, it's just fine, and same filename too.

i think it's a bug.

and some of my rar files are blacklisted too, really annoying.

and the ftp transfer is really painful

i don't know what they are checking, checking for hours,and still can not got transfered to file manager, maybe later they will wrongly blacklisted them again.

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i am trying to request payout via paypal, what should i enter ?

my info in my paypal???

why they request us to enter these info???

How long does it take to move files from FTP to main folder automatcally? Seems like it never moved. And why can't I upload music, gives me an blacklist error, come on you can't be serious blacklisting over 1000 music..not a very serious filehost
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