Earn up to 40$ per 10000 views & Earn Up to 200$ (Since 2012)

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I admit it, I don't understand how to figure out my statistics on Nosvideo/Noslocker. Other sites have a summary page where you can look at statistics by day or month or something, but this site doesn't, not from what I've ever seen at any rate. They have that lengthy section where there are lists and lists of views, where it says "Pending" or "IP Limit Reached" or "Aggregated." And it says different groups. I honestly never understood it. But I do understand simple math LOL. And in particular, I had a file that received over 15,000 hits and had over 10,000 by the end of Sunday. So since I'm in tier one, doesn't that mean I should get $60 for that? Or does it take a lot of time for that to show up? I really don't know how it works from the point of view of seeing the money, I only know I should be seeing that amount it seems to me. Could someone explain Nos' system who understands it please?
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soon the statics will be more clear " simple " like other hosts
i will update here

I'm happy to hear that. But it doesn't explain my statistics as I see them now. The total hasn't changed since yesterday and since Sunday, it's gone up about $5 in total, but as I said earlier I have one file that has over 15,000 hits since then. That doesn't count hits on other files. How does that make sense that it's $5? I've had a few things like that happen on other hosts and I could see it in the totals almost right away. I'm not saying you're doing something bad, I only want any explanation of how it works so I know I'm going to see this money on my totals at some point.
as i keep saying
views are not rewards
you can go to stats and see rewards
make a test by yourself if you want to see what i am talking about
press play on any video you want refresh page press again and see that the views count keep going up
so again there is a difference between views and rewards
since there is a lot of misunderstanding with this soon only real views will be shown
as i keep saying
views are not rewards
you can go to stats and see rewards
make a test by yourself if you want to see what i am talking about
press play on any video you want refresh page press again and see that the views count keep going up
so again there is a difference between views and rewards
since there is a lot of misunderstanding with this soon only real views will be shown

OK, so I'm seeing about an $8 difference now between what I saw on Sunday and now. The file with the 15,000 views now has considerably more and of course, there are views on other files too. So what you're saying is that with all of these views, my rewards total is about 10% of the views? My gut feeling is that this seems extremely low. But since I admit I wasn't really paying enough attention to this part of the process, I don't really have any evidence to back up my gut feeling. I'm glad you're adding statistics for real views though.
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