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This is an email that I received from Underhost, whom I have an account with. Anyone know about another such incident?


You probably noticed Dedicated Servers, Some VPS and Shared Hosting was affected by a downtime this morning, between 5H AM until 9h30 AM (GMT-4)

This was caused by our datacenter, they shutdown our uplink for security after some dutch police confiscated one computers into our rack on datacenter.

This dedicated servers are not on our shared servers hosting, but a dedicated servers customers.

NL3 are still down, due to lack of communication with our datacenter, it should be back before midnight through (GMT -4).

We apologize for this issue and our datacenter apologize also for this, since for protect themself they cut our uplink for security and reputation.

We cannot for now, reveal why the dutch policed sized our servers, but we will try to update you, if no further accusation as been made against us or this customers.

Be sure your privacy are still protected with us, we dosen't communicate any details on our customers.

Let us know if you need anything further, we'll be happy to help!
Thank you for choosing UnderHost!

Best Regards,

Vincent M.
T4 Account/Billing Manager Agent
UnderHost Networks Ltd
well if this is true then it cud be for a whole host of reasons that may not have anything to do with warez...for example cud be a child porn site or anything like that......
erm its the real deal i have it to and my sites where down at those times to :s

I would take what they say with a pinch of salt to be honest because I've heard them all with them and how they had resolve a matter only for it to happen again and again after that.
I find it unacceptable that the Dutch police *apparently* took a dedicated server and yet my shared account has been down for more than 28 hours now because lack of communication?
WTF? Who cares about his grammer?
What probably happened was:
Server was being misused and warez was either hosted or was used to download and re-upload warez. Somebody tracked an IP and confiscated the server..

I doubt this has anything to do with new laws or anything within Nederland.
This happened to me before..
Root eSolutions ( Luxemburg )

If the cops get the paperwork to have your dedi, they probably already have your name.
Or just look up the IP in the dedi.

We're all going to need a VPN at perfect-privacy soon :D

these guys are HORRIBLE in english

Sorry, is not my first language.


The dedicated servers, was not related with our servers we use for shared hosting.

This servers are a dedicated servers, leased by one of our customers, we cannot reveal why the servers get sized.

But this have noting to do with warez.

well if this is true then it cud be for a whole host of reasons that may not have anything to do with warez...for example cud be a child porn site or anything like that......

WorldStream a bit worried about this, shutdown all our servers WS DC in netherlands (servers on TeleCity group was not affected), those service as been restored fast after several call.

NL3 as been formated through by the datacenter and we currently restore account from our external backup servers.

2 Servers was formatted, directly after incidents. (NL3 and another dedicated servers (customers servers) which we have backup for both them and the customers of the other dedicated servers formatted bear with us, in this situation)

We only hope no accusation, will be made against me or the company registered in Canada, since we never saw what the customers do on the sized servers until a police call yesterday morning around 5AM here...)


We are canadian business and offer service in english and french, i do my best to write in english, clearly.

But since is not my main language, my grammars are not excellent.


Thanks you for your cooperation and if you want to download your backup and don't want to wait until our tech fully restored the servers, contact me directly at or via support ticket to "Management Departement"


Vincent M.
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