New PPS Plan: - 60% of each Sale, 30% of following Orders

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I have uploading files for 4 days to this server and all my files have 0 downloads. What is going on?
Downloads counter is broken or only premium downloads counts?
Please somebody answer me.

I have told my friend to download a file as free user. Didnt count.
does anyone explain to me why there are single points "7" sometimes they are not sold an account?but instead of cash gets one point?sry for my english :) | Sinem I sent a message to Support but of course was no answer I have the account about 2 weeks...can you explain to me why only get points? | Sinem I sent a message to Support but of course was no answer I have the account about 2 weeks...can you explain to me why only get points?

users bought premium from ur link but choose method that u don;t get % from it - like reseller and others..... nice X-(

every day i get about 10-20 such fairX-(
About Limitation they have clearly refused and said because of legal problems ...

Paypal does not support so there will be sales from resellers for sure ... since they have to pay some profit to resellers so perhaps this could be the reason for no cash rewards...
users bought premium from ur link but choose method that u don;t get % from it - like reseller and others..... nice X-(

every day i get about 10-20 such fairX-(


please you should look after this issue

I wonder what are the legal problems one having due to not Limiting free user downloads...

I bet the court won't prosecute them because of that :P :P
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users bought premium from ur link but choose method that u don;t get % from it - like reseller and others..... nice X-(

every day i get about 10-20 such fairX-(
lol This is ridiculous ...So what payment methods make that money appear on its own account....and which do not?I do not understand one thing why not show from which the link usser buys account?make it easier to cheat?RIP Filesonic,Oron and a few other hosting had the opportunity to show links from which links purchased a premium no ..Sadly, I see that it is not as it should be.
about resselers - i understood that resellers get their % also there users can pay by paypal so it's fucking unfair but understandable..... resellers have to get something from sales.... so should be 30% for reseller and 30% for uploader..... from such initial order..... but it can't be done due to technical reasons

the biggest unfair of is deleting premium buyers of every user..... from which user (uploader) get's rebills - i have almost 90-95% decrease of rebills it's so fuc...g unfair!
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