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Active Member
Hey everyone.

I am pretty finicky when it comes to a logo, so whoever takes me up on this offer, i may ask you to change it a few times..

Here is my website The area where it says "logo here" is where i would like the logo. Feel free to make it a little taller so that it goes up into the pink area at the top if you need to...

I have no real specifications for the logo, only that its clear, simple and memorable.

Either PM me or post here, with host much it will cost me to have something like this completed.

Thanks very much.
How much is it going to cost?

And yes, web design, however we will be outsourcing any graphics design that will be needed as im pretty crappy at it at the moment...
hydrode check your pm , sent you a pic but thats hydro not hydrode , if u like it then reply me , will send you the hydrode version ..
@ Phogo
well look at the bright side of it... every time he'll have customer, he'll look for some1 here to do his work, and luckily we know his prices :D
Exactly...and as soon as i get someone decent on board, ill be coming to them in the future for graphics....

Still not had a successful design made though :(
When i made my website i based certain aspects of the design from a website i liked the look of..

That website is called LCN, i have given a link below as it may give you a better idea of what i could be looking for.

Thanks :)


it doesnt goes with the theme or anything, I was just trying something out:D
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