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10 seconds for load time, too heavy page.
Its PR4, sell it, you will get good money.

Can I ask you one thing ?
Why are you using "wjunction" as one of your meta-keyword ? All those keywords you are using are too mainstream, you will not be able to beat the competition on those words anytime.
I agree with him, don't use wjunction. Find another keyword which have less competition, let it be 500 searches, no problem. I rank like that and i am getitng decent traffic from google now. Need to work some before bearing the fruit. !!
To many warez sites to chose from
Dress up the site it is to plain
Do Link exchanges
Promote the site ever where you can

Loads for me on Firefox
no idea why people are saying site is slow Loads fine here
and another thing why do u have two keywords meta tags google bans site that have two of titles or keywords or description
acc to me 1 keyword is default wordpress keywords tag and the other is from
<!-- /all in one seo pack -->
so u can remove 1 from your templates header
your site is boring as hell, I went to it looked for no more then 5 seconds and clicked off it, I did not navigate it and I sure as hell won't be visiting it again.

Your site is unattractive, it loads slowly the colours are depressing and the layout sucks.
Change the way your website looks all together by improving those things, make the thumbnails larger people are lazy and would rather look at an image then at a bunch of text so give them that, use lighter/more vibrant colours and get a better logo.
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