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Active Member
Anyone using CloudFlare ever install mod_cloudflare.c into their apache?

I installed it and it killed my time to first byte. It seems like the site laggs like hell when you first try to access it.

I have since commented the line

#LoadModule cloudflare_module modules/

and it seems to be acting better, but ofc now the IPs wont resolve to their original.

Anyone have experience with this?
Find the best place to add this

     $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = htmlspecialchars((string) $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);

mod_cloudflare really shouldn't impact TTFB (focus is to restore original visitor IP and shouldn't have any performance impact).

Using CloudFlare, however, may throw off TTFB and there's a good explanation here. Our blog also covers issues with Time to First Byte.
I read the article and I have to disagree with it not being a factor.
If a web page takes 15seconds to respond(showing a blank white page loading) , I feel like that is a problem.

When the mod is enabled my server shows a blank white page and loads for a while, then will finally render the page after 20,000MS
When the mod is off it runs perfectly and loads in 43ms

in that 20,000ms load time users think the page wont load.
You have to realize the attention span of users these days may be 2 to 7 seconds
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"If a web page takes 15seconds to respond(showing a blank white page loading) , I feel like that is a problem"

Yes, that would be a problem. But this isn't something that mod_cloudflare would cause & is most likely something else. You can contact us and we can take a look.
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