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Active Member
To use this all you have to do is place it all in one file and include it inside your script... Then look at the regular expressions area that i commented on (I commented for noobies)... where it says imdb_whatever the whatever part is what you need...

Not my work as i found out heres the true author:

You place the code something like
$oIMDB = new IMDB('IMDB url');
if ($oIMDB->isReady) {
    echo '<p><a href="' . $oIMDB->getUrl() . '">' . $oIMDB->getTitle() . '</a> got rated ' . $oIMDB->getRating() . '.</p>';
    echo '<p><img src="' . $oIMDB->getPoster() . '" style="float:left;margin:4px 10px 10px 0;"> <b>About the movie:</b> ' . $oIMDB->getPlot() . '</p>';
else {
    echo '<p>Movie not found!</p>';
Also in place of the url you can type the title of the movie and it will scrape search the title...

All possible functions
IMDB Class
class IMDBException extends Exception {}

class IMDB {
    // Define what to return if something is not found.
    public $strNotFound = 'n/A';
    // Please set this to 'true' for debugging purposes only.
    const IMDB_DEBUG    = false;
    // Define a timeout for the request of the IMDb page.
    const IMDB_TIMEOUT  = 15;

    // Regular expressions, I would not touch them. :)
    const IMDB_AKA          = '~<h4 class="inline">Also Known As:(.*)<span~Ui';
    const IMDB_BUDGET       = '~Budget:</h4> (.*)\(estimated\)~Ui';
    const IMDB_CAST         = '~<td class="name">\s+<a\s+href="/name/nm(\d+)/">(.*)</a>\s+</td~Ui';
    const IMDB_CHAR         = '~<td class="character">(.*)</td~Ui';
    const IMDB_COLOR        = '~<a href="/search/title\?colors=(.*)">(.*)</a>~Ui';
    const IMDB_COMPANY      = '~<h4 class="inline">Production Co:</h4>(.*)<span~Ui';
    const IMDB_COMPANY_NAME = '~href="/company/co(\d+)/">(.*)</a>~Ui';
    const IMDB_COUNTRY      = '~<a href="/country/(\w+)"(?:>| >)(.*)</a>~Ui';
    const IMDB_CREATOR      = '~<h4 class="inline">\s+(Creator|Creators):\s+</h4>(.*)</div><div~Ui';
    const IMDB_DIRECTOR     = '~<h4 class="inline">\s+(Director|Directors):\s+</h4>(.*)</div>~Ui';
    const IMDB_GENRE        = '~<a href="/genre/(.*)"~Ui';
    const IMDB_LANGUAGES    = '~<a href="/language/(\w+)" itemprop="inLanguage">(.*)</a>~Ui';
    const IMDB_LOCATION     = '~<h4 class="inline">Filming Locations:</h4> <a href="/search/title\?locations=(.*)">(.*)</a>~Ui';
    const IMDB_MPAA         = '~<span itemprop="contentRating">(.*)</span>~Ui';
    const IMDB_NAME         = '~href="/name/nm(\d+)/"(?:\s>|\s+itemprop="\w+">|>)(.*)</a>~Ui';
    const IMDB_PLOT         = '~<h2>Storyline</h2><p>(.*)(<em class="nobr">|</p>)~Ui';
    const IMDB_POSTER       = '~href="/media/(.*)"\s+><img src="(.*)"~Ui';
    const IMDB_RATING       = '~<span class="rating-rating"><span class="value".*?>(\d+\.\d+)</span>~Ui';
    const IMDB_REDIRECT     = '~Location:\s(.*)~';
    const IMDB_RELEASE_DATE = '~Release Date:</h4>(.*)(<span|</div>)~Ui';
    const IMDB_RUNTIME      = '~(\d+)\smin~Uis';
    const IMDB_SEARCH       = '~<b>Media from&nbsp;<a href="/title/tt(\d+)/"~i';
    const IMDB_SEASONS      = '~<h4 class="inline">Season: </h4><span class="see-more inline">(.*)</div><div~Ui';
    const IMDB_TAGLINE      = '~<h4 class="inline">Taglines:</h4>(.*)(<[^>]+>)~Ui';
    const IMDB_TITLE        = '~og:title" content="(.*) \((.*)\)"~Ui';
    const IMDB_TITLE_ORIG   = '~<span class="title-extra">(.*) <i>\(original title\)</i></span>~Ui';
    const IMDB_TRAILER      = '~href="/video/imdb/(.*)/"~Ui';
    const IMDB_URL          = '~http://(.*\.|.*)|T)itle(\?|/)(..\d+)~i';
    const IMDB_VOTES        = '~<span itemprop="ratingCount">(.*)</span>~Ui';
    const IMDB_WRITER       = '~<h4 class="inline">\s+(Writer|Writers):\s+</h4>(.*)</div>~Ui';

    // cURL cookie file.
    private $_fCookie   = false;
    // IMDb url.
    private $_strUrl    = NULL;
    // IMDb source.
    private $_strSource = NULL;
    // IMDb cache.
    private $_strCache  = 0;
    // IMDb posters directory.
    private $_bolPoster = false;
    // IMDb cache directory.
    private $_bolCache  = false;
    // IMDb movie id.
    private $_strId     = false;
    // Movie found?
    public $isReady     = false;

     * IMDB constructor.
     * @param string  $strSearch The movie name / IMDb url
     * @param integer $intCache  The maximum age (in minutes) of the cache (default 1 day)
    public function __construct($strSearch, $intCache = 1440) {
        // Posters and cache directory existant?
        if (is_writable(getcwd() . '/posters/') || mkdir(getcwd() . '/posters/')) {
            $this->_bolPoster = true;
        else {
            throw new IMDBException(getcwd() . '/posters/ is not writable!');
        if (is_writable(getcwd() . '/cache/') || mkdir(getcwd() . '/cache/')) {
            $this->_bolCache = true;
        else {
            throw new IMDBException(getcwd() . '/cache/ is not writable!');
        // cURL.
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
            throw new IMDBException('You need PHP with cURL enabled to use this script!');
        // Debug only.
        if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) {
          ini_set('display_errors', 1);
          echo '<b>- Running:</b> IMDB::fetchUrl<br>';
        // Set global cache and fetch the data.
        $this->_intCache = (int)$intCache;

     * Regular expressions helper function.
     * @param string  $strContent The content to search in
     * @param string  $strRegex   The regular expression
     * @param integer $intIndex   The index to return
     * @return string The match found
     * @return array  The matches found
    private function matchRegex($strContent, $strRegex, $intIndex = null) {
        $arrMatches = null;
        preg_match_all($strRegex, $strContent, $arrMatches);
        if ($arrMatches === FALSE) return false;
        if ($intIndex != null && is_int($intIndex)) {
            if ($arrMatches[$intIndex]) {
              return $arrMatches[$intIndex][0];
            return false;
        return $arrMatches;

     * Returns a shortened text.
     * @param string  $strText   The text to shorten
     * @param integer $intLength The new length of the text
    public function getShortText($strText, $intLength = 100) {
        $strText = trim($strText) . ' ';
        $strText = substr($strText, 0, $intLength);
        $strText = substr($strText, 0, strrpos($strText, ' '));
        return $strText . '&hellip;';

     * Fetch data from the given url.
     * @param string  $strSearch The movie name / IMDb url
     * @param string  $strSave   The path to the file
     * @return boolean
    private function fetchUrl($strSearch) {
        // Remove whitespaces.
        $strSearch = trim($strSearch);

        // Check for a valid IMDb URL and use it, if available.
        if ($strId = IMDB::matchRegex($strSearch, IMDB::IMDB_URL, 4)) {
            $this->_strUrl = '' . preg_replace('~[\D]~', '', $strId) . '/';
            $this->_strId  = preg_replace('~[\D]~', '', $strId);
            $this->isReady = true;
        // Otherwise try to find one.
        else {
            $this->_strUrl = '' . str_replace(' ', '+', $strSearch);
            // Check for cached redirects of this search.
            if ($fRedirect = @file_get_contents(getcwd() . '/cache/' . md5($this->_strUrl) . '.redir')) {
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Found an old redirect:</b> ' . $fRedirect . '<br>';
                $this->_strUrl = trim($fRedirect);
                $this->_strId  = preg_replace('~[\D]~', '', IMDB::matchRegex($fRedirect, IMDB::IMDB_URL, 4));
                $this->isReady = true;

        // Check if there is a cache we can use.
        $fCache = getcwd() . '/cache/' . md5($this->_strUrl) . '.cache';
        $bolNewRequest = false;
        if (file_exists($fCache)) {
            $intChanged = filemtime($fCache);
            $intNow     = time();
            $intDiff    = $intNow - $intChanged;
            $intCache   = $this->_intCache * 60;
            if ($intCache >= $intDiff) {
                $bolNewRequest = true;

        if ($bolNewRequest) {
            if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Using cache for ' . $strSearch . ' from ' . $fCache . '</b><br>';
            $this->_strSource = file_get_contents($fCache);
            return true;
        else {
            // Cookie path.
            if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
                $this->_fCookie = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'imdb');
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Path to cookie:</b> ' . $this->_fCookie . '<br>';
            // Initialize and run the request.
            if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Run cURL on:</b> ' . $this->_strUrl . '<br>';
            $oCurl = curl_init($this->_strUrl);
            curl_setopt_array($oCurl, array (
                                            CURLOPT_VERBOSE => FALSE,
                                            CURLOPT_HEADER => TRUE,
                                            CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => TRUE,
                                            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE,
                                            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => IMDB::IMDB_TIMEOUT,
                                            CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 0,
                                            CURLOPT_REFERER => '',
                                            CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Googlebot/2.1 (+',
                                            CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => FALSE,
                                            CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => $this->_fCookie
            $strOutput = curl_exec($oCurl);
            $this->_strSource = $strOutput;

            // Remove cookie.
            if ($this->_fCookie) {

            // Check if the request actually worked.
            if ($strOutput === FALSE) {
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>! cURL error:</b> ' . $_strUrl . '<br>';
                if ($this->_strSource = @file_get_contents($fCache)) {
                    return true;
                return false;

            // Get returned information.
            $arrInfo = curl_getinfo($oCurl);

            // Check if there is a redirect given (IMDb sometimes does not return 301 for this...).
            $fRedirect = getcwd() . '/cache/' . md5($this->_strUrl) . '.redir';
            if ($strMatch = $this->matchRegex($strOutput, IMDB::IMDB_REDIRECT, 1)) {
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Found a redirect:</b> ' . $strMatch . '<br>';
                // Try to save the redirect for later usage.
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Saved a new redirect:</b> ' . $fRedirect . '<br>';
                file_put_contents($fRedirect, $strMatch);
                // Run the cURL request again with the new url.
            // Lets assume the first search result is what we want. :)
            elseif ($strMatch = $this->matchRegex($strOutput, IMDB::IMDB_SEARCH, 1)) {
                $strMatch = '' . $strMatch . '/';
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Using the first search result:</b> ' . $strMatch . '<br>';
                // Try to save the redirect for later usage.
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Saved a new redirect:</b> ' . $fRedirect . '<br>';
                file_put_contents($fRedirect, $strMatch);
                // Run the cURL request again with the new url.
            // If it's not a redirect and the HTTP response is not 200 or 302, abort.
            elseif ($arrInfo['http_code'] != 200 && $arrInfo['http_code'] != 302) {
                if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Wrong HTTP code received, aborting:</b> ' . $arrInfo['http_code'] . '<br>';
                return false;

            // Set the global source.
            $this->_strSource = preg_replace('~(\r|\n|\r\n)~', '', $this->_strSource);

            // Save cache.
            if (IMDB::IMDB_DEBUG) echo '<b>- Saved a new cache:</b> ' . $fCache . '<br>';
            file_put_contents($fCache, $this->_strSource);

            return true;
        return false;

     * Save the image locally.
     * @param string $_strUrl The URL to the image on imdb
     * @return string The local path to the image
    private function saveImage($_strUrl) {
        $_strUrl = trim($_strUrl);

        if (preg_match('/imdb-share-logo.gif/', $_strUrl) && file_exists('posters/not-found.jpg')) {
            return 'posters/not-found.jpg';

        $strFilename = getcwd() . '/posters/' . $this->_strId . '.jpg';
        if (file_exists($strFilename)) {
            return 'posters/' . $this->_strId . '.jpg';
        $oCurl = curl_init($_strUrl);
        curl_setopt_array($oCurl, array (
                                        CURLOPT_VERBOSE => FALSE,
                                        CURLOPT_HEADER => FALSE,
                                        CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE,
                                        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => IMDB::IMDB_TIMEOUT,
                                        CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 0,
                                        CURLOPT_REFERER => $_strUrl,
                                        CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER => TRUE));
        $sOutput = curl_exec($oCurl);
        $arrInfo = curl_getinfo($oCurl);
        if ($arrInfo['http_code'] != 200 && $arrInfo['http_code'] != 302) {
            return $_strUrl;
        $oFile = fopen($strFilename, 'x');
        fwrite($oFile, $sOutput);
        return 'posters/' . $this->_strId . '.jpg';

     * Returns the "also known as" name.
     * @return string The aka name.
    public function getAka() {
       if ($this->isReady) {
           if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_AKA, 1)) {
           return $strReturn;
           return $this->strNotFound;
       return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the budget.
     * @return string The movie budget.
    public function getBudget() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_BUDGET, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the cast.
     * @return array The movie cast (default limited to 20).
    public function getCast($intLimit = 20, $bolMore = true) {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CAST);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    if ($i >= $intLimit) break;
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn) . ($bolMore && (count($arrReturned[2]) > $intLimit) ? '&hellip;' : '');
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the cast as URL.
     * @return array The movie cast as URL (default limited to 20).
    public function getCastAsUrl($intLimit = 20, $bolMore = true) {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CAST);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    if ($i >= $intLimit) break;
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn) . ($bolMore && (count($arrReturned[2]) > $intLimit) ? '&hellip;' : '');
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the cast and character.
     * @return array The movie cast and character (default limited to 20).
    public function getCastAndCharacter($intLimit = 20, $bolMore = true) {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CAST);
            $arrChar     = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CHAR);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    if ($i >= $intLimit) break;
                    $arrChar[1][$i] = trim(preg_replace('~\((.*)\)~Ui', '', strip_tags($arrChar[1][$i])));
                    if ($arrChar[1][$i]) {
                        $arrReturn[] = $strName . ' as ' . $arrChar[1][$i];
                    else {
                        $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn) . ($bolMore && (count($arrReturned[2]) > $intLimit) ? '&hellip;' : '');
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the cast and character as URL .
     * @return array The movie cast and character as URL (default limited to 20).
    public function getCastAndCharacterAsUrl($intLimit = 20, $bolMore = true) {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CAST);
            $arrChar     = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CHAR);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    if ($i >= $intLimit) break;
                    $arrChar[1][$i] = trim(preg_replace('~\((.*)\)~Ui', '', $arrChar[1][$i]));
                    preg_match_all('~<a href="/character/ch(\d+)/">(.*)</a>~Ui', $arrChar[1][$i], $arrMatches);
                    if (isset($arrMatches[1][0]) && isset($arrMatches[2][0])) {
                        $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a> as <a href="' . $arrMatches[1][0] . '/">' . $arrMatches[2][0] . '</a>';
                    else {
                        if ($arrChar[1][$i]) {
                            $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a> as ' . strip_tags($arrChar[1][$i]);
                        else {
                            $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn) . ($bolMore && (count($arrReturned[2]) > $intLimit) ? '&hellip;' : '');
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the color.
     * @return string The movie color.
    public function getColor() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_COLOR, 2)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the companies.
     * @return array The movie companies.
    public function getCompany() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_COMPANY, 1);
            $arrReturned  = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_COMPANY_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the companies as URL.
     * @return array The movie companies as URL.
    public function getCompanyAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_COMPANY, 1);
            $arrReturned  = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_COMPANY_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the countr(y|ies).
     * @return array The movie countr(y|ies).
    public function getCountry() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_COUNTRY);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the countr(y|ies) as URL
     * @return array The movie countr(y|ies) as URL.
    public function getCountryAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_COUNTRY);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the director(s).
     * @return array The movie director(s).
    public function getDirector() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_DIRECTOR, 2);
            $arrReturned  = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the director(s) as URL.
     * @return array The movie director(s) as URL.
    public function getDirectorAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_DIRECTOR, 2);
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the creator(s).
     * @return array The movie creator(s).
    public function getCreator() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CREATOR, 2);
            $arrReturned  = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the creator(s) as URL.
     * @return array The movie creator(s) as URL.
    public function getCreatorAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_CREATOR, 2);
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the genre(s).
     * @return array The movie genre(s).
    public function getGenre() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_GENRE);
            if (count($arrReturned[1])) {
               foreach ($arrReturned[1] as $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the genres as URL.
     * @return array The movie genre as URL.
    public function getGenreAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_GENRE);
            if (count($arrReturned[1])) {
               foreach ($arrReturned[1] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $strName . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the language(s).
     * @return string The movie language(s).
    public function getLanguages() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_LANGUAGES);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the language(s) as URL.
     * @return string The movie language(s) as URL.
    public function getLanguagesAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $arrReturned = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_LANGUAGES);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the movie location.
     * @return string The location of the movie.
    public function getLocation() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_LOCATION, 2)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the movie location as URL.
     * @return string The location of the movie as URL.
    public function getLocationAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strReturn    = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_LOCATION, 2);
            if ($strReturn) {
                return '<a href="' . urlencode($strReturn) . '">' . $strReturn . '</a>';
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the MPAA.
     * @return string The movie MPAA.
    public function getMpaa() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_MPAA, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the plot.
     * @return string The movie plot.
    public function getPlot($intLimit = 0) {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_PLOT, 1)) {
                if ($intLimit) {
                    return $this->getShortText($strReturn, $intLimit);
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Download the poster, cache it and return the local path to the image.
     * @return string The path to the poster (either local or online).
    public function getPoster() {
       if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_POSTER, 2)) {
                if ($strLocal = $this->saveImage($strReturn)) {
                    return $strLocal;
                return $strReturn;
           return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the rating.
     * @return string The movie rating.
    public function getRating() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_RATING, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the release date.
     * @return string The movie release date.
    public function getReleaseDate() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_RELEASE_DATE, 1)) {
                return str_replace('(', ' (', $strReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the runtime.
     * @return string The movie runtime.
    public function getRuntime() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_RUNTIME, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the tagline.
     * @return string The movie tagline.
    public function getTagline() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_TAGLINE, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Return the title.
     * @return string The movie title.
    public function getTitle() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_TITLE_ORIG, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_TITLE, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

    /** Return the first video found (should be the trailer). Thanks to Seifer Almasy.
     * @return string The url to the trailer.
    public function getTrailerAsUrl() {
       if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_TRAILER, 1)) {
               return '' . $strReturn . '/player';
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the URL.
     * @return string The movie URL.
    public function getUrl() {
        return $this->_strUrl;

     * Returns the votes.
     * @return string The votes of the movie.
    public function getVotes() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_VOTES, 1)) {
                return $strReturn;
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the writer(s).
     * @return array The movie writer(s).
    public function getWriter() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_WRITER, 2);
            $arrReturned  = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = $strName;
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the writer(s) as URL.
     * @return array The movie writer(s) as URL.
    public function getWriterAsUrl() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            $strContainer = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_WRITER, 2);
            $arrReturned  = $this->matchRegex($strContainer, IMDB::IMDB_NAME);
            if (count($arrReturned[2])) {
                foreach ($arrReturned[2] as $i => $strName) {
                    $arrReturn[] = '<a href="' . $arrReturned[1][$i] . '/">' . $strName . '</a>';
                return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the movie year.
     * @return string The year of the movie.
    public function getYear() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_TITLE, 2)) {
                return substr(preg_replace('~[\D]~', '', $strReturn), 0, 4);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;

     * Returns the seasons.
     * @return string The movie seasons.
    public function getSeasons() {
        if ($this->isReady) {
            if ($strReturn = $this->matchRegex($this->_strSource, IMDB::IMDB_SEASONS)) {
                $strReturn = strip_tags(implode($strReturn[1]));
                $strFind   = array('&raquo;', '&nbsp;', 'Full episode list', ' ');
                $strReturn = str_replace($strFind, '', $strReturn);
                $arrReturn = explode('|', $strReturn);
                if ($arrReturn) {
                    return implode(' / ', $arrReturn);
            return $this->strNotFound;
        return $this->strNotFound;
Last edited:
There was an official API but released only to select Premium members, I remember there was a link in their footer about it. And it cost somewhere around $10k or something for access to it, I could be wrong on the figure, but I know it was some exorbitant price.
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