Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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I wrote earlier that we have disabled skymonk installation, in your account no problem

I know this, i read every day this thread and the news section in my account panel and i know that the Skymonk installations from now not counting anymore but im referring about the downloads and normal sales.

Now you not pay for Skymonk installations but the people can install it like before then i dont udnerstand why having arround 4000-5000 downloads since a lot of days and since the last day only having arround 2000 downloads?

All of downloaders agreed stop downloading from my links or what?

Not possible

Comment on this now...

Stats are beeing cut in half

Listen to your good referals and before you lose them, at least admit your calculations are wrong!

our statistics the same..
Letitbit response expect..;)
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