Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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letitbit = heaveninbit (once upon a time) :):):)

but now..,

letitbit = suckitbit :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

very very very very very very very very poor rates..................:facepalm:

efficiency reduced to 300 - 400 %

whats going on...???

whether letitbit closed soon ????

file is corrupted. please upload file again

what's this ??

but the files are working...whether download count or not...??

i checked and downloaded one of my own file....its working...but why its display file corrupted ??

previously never had such problem

need ur reply
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decline in sales occurred after cancel installation skymonk. Cancellation skymo nka also influenced the number of downloads. Many are asked to solve problems with efficiency.
The efficiency is calculated by the formula
Percent = Earn x 100 / Sell
To Increase efficiency your percent should be not more than 80%.
Only the user can increase his effectiveness. Efficiency in Turba depends on the sales

y my account blocked letitbit???

[21983481 tuurba
You have multiple accounts.
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